Page 232 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2021. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama ▪︎ Operetta between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 5
P. 232
opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama

The stars of Sarajevo operetta included actors and educated singers such
as Leopold Fridman22, Aleksandar Cvetković23, Micika Hrvojić24, Vojislav
Turinski25, and Svetislav Đurkić26. Other participants included dramatic
actors, who appeared in operettas “by force of circumstances”. The most
successful among these were Andrija Ćurčić (1876–1935), Jelena Kešelje-
vić-Gavrilović (1894–1962), Jolanda Đačić (1906–?), and Ljubica Stefano-
vić (1888–1946).

Among the scarce “serious” audiences and theatre critics, operetta in
the National Theatre provoked a fear of “suffocating” drama. Some perfor-
mances of The Geisha and Gräfin Maritza, well-directed by Turinski, with
properly prepared music and singing by conductors Rožđalovski, Hofer,
and Jungić and a close-knit ensemble (choir, ballet), all with luxuriant scen-
ery and flamboyant costumes, managed to overcome the audience’s interest
in dramatic performances.27 Operetta then assumed a serious musical and

22 Leopold Fridman (Leo, Lav, Friedmann – Mirković) (1904–1990) began his act-
ing and singing career in Sarajevo as a member of amateur theatre troupes. He was
employed in the ensemble of National Theatre from 1923 to 1926. He occasionally
played supporting and bit roles in plays; however, the operetta was the focus of his
work. In 1926, he went to study singing in Milan, and then in Vienna. He performed
in Germany and Bohemia, and in 1930 he made his debut on the stage of Croatian
National Theatre in Zagreb in the role of Rigoletto (Verdi). In 1941, he emigrated to
the USA. Josip Lešić, “Fridman Leo,” in Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 1921–1971, ed.
Josip Lešić (Sarajevo: Narodno pozorište, 1971), 137; Anon., “Leo Mirkovic, 86, Dies;
A Cantor in New York,” The New York Times, September 13, 1990, http://www.ny-

23 Aleksandar Cvetković (1900–1944) was employed from 1922 until the removal of op-
eretta in 1927. He sang the entire operetta repertoire. From 1928 he worked in Bel-
grade, Zagreb, Cetinje, and Banja Luka. From 1934 to 1938 he was again hired by Na-
tional Theatre in Sarajevo as a director and singer of operetta repertoire. In 1938 he
moved to Belgrade. Josip Lešić, “Cvetković Aleksandar,” in Narodno pozorište Sara­
jevo 1921–1971, ed. Josip Lešić (Sarajevo: Narodno pozorište, 1971), 60–1.

24 Micika Hrvojić (1888–1953) was employed from 1920 to 1928. She acted and sang
the entire repertoire of folk pieces with singing and operettas. In 1924 she celebrated
the 25th anniversary of her acting career. In 1928 she moved to Belgrade. Josip Lešić,
“Hrvojić Micika,” in Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 1921–1971, ed. Josip Lešić (Sarajevo:
Narodno pozorište, 1971), 210–1.

25 Vojislav Turinski (1886–1933) was engaged during two seasons (1925–1927) as a sing-
er and director. Josip Lešić, “Turinski Vojislav,” in Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 1921–
1971, ed. Josip Lešić (Sarajevo: Narodno pozorište, 1971), 554.

26 Svetislav Đurkić (1883–1957) was employed from 1920 to 1928, and once again, in the
1930/1931 season, upon which he retired. He performed both the drama and operetta
repertoire. Josip Lešić, “Đurkić Svetislav,” in Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 1921–1971,
ed. Josip Lešić (Sarajevo: Narodno pozorište, 1971), 113.

27 Lešić, Sarajevsko pozorište između dva rata, vol. 1, 225.

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