Page 383 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2021. Opereta med obema svetovnima vojnama ▪︎ Operetta between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 5
P. 383
slovene oper etta at the crossroads: r adovan gobec’s planinsk a roža

Ex. 1: Gobec, Radovan. Planinska roža. (Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih skladateljev, 2019),
Edicije DSS (Score, Ed. DSS 651, pp. 2–3)
phrases, each with the same rhythm, repeated over and over again at dif-
ferent pitches.

Planinska roža, najlepši cvet, planinska roža vseh cvetov cvet
domov je tvoje planinska roža, ti kras planin, planinska roža,
ti cvet si njin, samo za tebe srce gori
planinska roža ljubezen si ti.
(Mountain flower, the most beautiful bloom, mountain flower of
all flowers
the mountain flower is your home, you are a mountain of
mountain flower, you are a flower of theirs, my heart is burning
only for you
mountain flower my love is for you.)23 [Ex. 1].
After a short introduction the motto song is presented by Katja and
then by the chorus of villagers, while she, together with clarinets and cel-
los, decorates their music with florid phrases. This motto theme is imme-
diately impressed on the audience, dominating the operetta in a manner
that was to be common in musical theatre and in film music. It is in fact the
most important feature to mark it out from Gobec’s other operettas and in-

23 Radovan Gobec, Planinska roža, score (Ljubljana: Edicije DSS, 2019), 2–3.

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