Page 34 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20-26 June 2021. Presentation of Plenary, Invited, Public, Abel and Prize Speakers at the 8ECM.
P. 34
European Congress of Mathematics

(IVA) and of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA). Earlier awards
include the selection as an Alfred P. Sloan research fellow (2006) while Prof.
Tornberg was part of the faculty at the Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences (New York University) as well as the Leslie Fox First Prize in
Numerical Analysis (2000).

Nick Trefethen

University of Oxford


Nick Trefethen is Professor of Numerical Analysis
and head of the Numerical Analysis Group at
Oxford University. He was educated at Harvard and Stanford and held
positions at NYU, MIT, and Cornell before moving to Oxford in 1997. He is
a Fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US National Academy
of Engineering, and served during 2011-2012 as President of SIAM. He has
won many prizes including the Gold Medal of the Institute for Mathematics
and its Applications, the Naylor Prize of the London Mathematical Society,
and the Polya Prize for Mathematical Exposition and the John von
Neumann Prize from SIAM.
As an author Trefethen is known for his books including Numerical
Linear Algebra (1997), Spectral Methods in MATLAB (2000), Spectra and
Pseudospectra (2005), Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice
(2013), and Exploring ODEs (2018). He organized the SIAM 100-Dollar,
100-Digit Challenge in 2002 and is the inventor of Chebfu.

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