Page 32 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20–26 June 2021 • Portorož, Slovenia. Other Events Included in the 8ECM Programme.
P. 32
e exhibitions

knowledge of programming and knowledge of mathematics are of
primary importance. The sense of artistry is important in the selection
of the results offered in unlimited numbers by the described creative
process. The process of image formation is presented in more detail

He uses his software, developed in the Visual Basic programming
language, to generate images. An algorithmic approach is used, which
enables a high level of diversity of results with relatively short but
mathematically supported software solutions. At each point of the
image, a programming algorithm is executed, consisting of mathematical
formulas that enter pieces of information, which are constant for the
current cycle (genetic code) and variables generated by the process
itself. The result of the calculation is the color of the point or the position
where to remove the color from the color palette, which plays the role
of a key variable. The image coordinate system, the Cartesian and polar
coordinate system, and the logic of the complex plane are used to control
the image. The whole process is supported by a time-determined random
number generator, which supplies the system with random values of
various parameters and thus ensures unpredictability and non-repetition
of the results. From the viewpoint of mathematics, the following notions
appear in the algorithms: complex algebraic expressions, trigonometric
and logarithmic functions, plane geometry, iterations and recursions,
determination of random numbers in areas, conversion of coordinates
between different coordinate systems, control of stochastic motion of a
point in plane and space, circular and spiral movements, computation
with complex numbers, original formulas for various calculations,
number sequences (Fibonacci) and other mathematical operations. The
resulting paintings are of the abstract type, which for the most part do
not show their mathematical provenance and approach fine art.

Selected generated images are stored in digital form on a suitable digital
storage medium. Of course, each image can be made in physical form by
printing it in any size on paper, canvas or other substrate. In this way, we
come to a point of contact with the field of classical fine arts. Selected
works for this exhibition are printed on paper or canvas in the size of 50 x
70 cm.

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