Page 42 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics. 20–26 June 2021 • Portorož, Slovenia. Other Events Included in the 8ECM Programme.
P. 42
European Congress of Mathematics


The University of Primorska is focusing on niche areas, with the most
productive and propulsive research groups focusing on Mathematics,
Restorative environmental and ergonomic design, Wood modification and
Health prevention. SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE is confirmed by numerous
awards and recognitions received by university staff. In the last 10 years,
we received 3 highest Slovenian scientific awards, the Zois awards
for crowning achievements, four Zois recognitions and the award of
Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia. Together with one
German and two Slovenian partners, UP established the research institute
InnoRenew CoE, focusing on research and innovation in renewable
materials and healthy living environments. InnoRenew CoE employs 70
people, including 53 excellent researchers from 17 countries. The most
successful journal of the University of Primorska - Ars Mathematica
Contemporanea (AMC) – was indexed in SCI in 2011, and has remained
one of the highest-rated Slovene scientific journals since 2014.

Reasearch areas at Univerity of Primorska: Archaeology, Biology,
Communication & media, Computer Science, Cryptography, Dietetics,
Economics, Education, Finance, Genetics, Geography, Humanities,
Kinesiology, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Mathematics,
Physiotherapy, Psychology, Public Health, Renewable, Materials, Social
Sciences, and Tourism Studies.

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