Page 109 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 109


Organized by Franc Forstnericˇ, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Coorganized by Bernhard Lamel, University of Vienna

• The Density Property for Calogero–Moser Spaces, Rafael Andrist
• “Levi core", Diederich-Fornaess index, and D’Angelo forms, Gian Maria Dall’Ara
• Metric geometry of domains in complex Euclidean spaces, Hervé Gaussier
• Fekete Configurations, Products of Vandermonde Determinants and Canonical Point

Processes, Jakob Hultgren
• Images of CR manifolds, Jiri Lebl
• Strict density inequalities for interpolation in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions

in several complex variables., Joaquim Ortega Cerdà
• Parabolic Fatou components with holes, Josias Reppekus
• Angular Derivatives and Boundary Values of H(b) Spaces of Unit Ball of Cn, Sibel S¸ahin
• Seiberg-Witten equations and pseudoholomorphic curves, Armen Sergeev
• The CR Ahlfors derivative and a new invariant for spherically equivalent CR maps,

Duong Ngoc Son
• Equivalence of neighborhoods of embedded compact complex manifolds and higher

codimension foliations, Laurent Stolovitch
• Weighted-L2 polynomial approximation in C, Jujie Wu
• A criterion of Nakano positivity, Xiangyu Zhou
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