Page 115 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 115


Organized by Jasna Prezelj, University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana, IMFM,


Coorganized by
Simon Salamon, King’s College, London, UK
Fabio Vlacci, University of Triest, Italy
Graziano Gentili, University of Florence, Italy

• Geometry of 3-(α, δ)-Sasaki manifolds and submersions over quaternionic Kähler spaces,
Ilka Agricola

• Flags and Twistors, Amedeo Altavilla
• On cohomogeneity one Hermitian non-Kähler manifolds, Daniele Angella
• Slice Regular Quaternionic Manifolds., Cinzia Bisi
• Symplectic duality and implosion, Andrew Dancer
• Balanced Hermitian metrics, Anna Fino
• Slice-by-slice and global smoothness of slice regular functions, Riccardo Ghiloni
• On compact affine quaternionic curves and surfaces, Anna Gori
• Geometry of Kato manifolds, Alexandra Iulia Otiman
• Semisimple Lie algebras and special Hermitian metrics, Fabio Podestà
• On the continuation of quaternionic logarithm along curves and the winding number,

Jasna Prezelj
• Stability of Einstein metrics, Uwe Semmelmann
• Analogues of the Dolbeault resolution in higher dimensions, Vladimír Soucˇek
• Slice regular functions and orthogonal complex structures in eight dimensions,

Caterina Stoppato
• Special geometries with torus symmetry, Andrew Swann
• ∂-Harmonic forms on compact almost Hermitian manifolds, Adriano Tomassini
• On a construction of quaternionic and octonionic Riemann surfaces, Fabio Vlacci
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