Page 137 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 137


Organized by Márton Naszódi, Eotvos University, Budapest And Alfred Renyi Inst. of

Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary

Coorganized by Konrad Swanepoel, London School of Economics and Political Science

• Extremal sections and local optimization, Gergely Ambrus
• Cells in the box and a hyperplane, Imre Bárány
• A new look at the Blaschke-Leichtweiss theorem, Károly Bezdek
• The Lp Minkowski problem and polytopal approximation, Karoly Boroczky
• Strengthened inequalities for the mean width, Ferenc Fodor
• Colorful Helly-type Theorems for Ellipsoids, Viktória Földvári
• Coverings by homothets of a convex body, Nora Frankl
• The Golden ratio and high dimensional mean inequalities, Bernardo González Merino
• Functional John and Löwner Ellipsoids, Grigory Ivanov
• A solution to some problems of Conway and Guy on monostable polyhedra, Zsolt Lángi
• On the complex hypothesis of Banach, Luis Montejano
• Pea Bodies of Constant Width, Deborah Oliveros
• A cap covering theorem, Alexandr Polyanskii
• Rigidity of compact Fuchsian manifolds with convex boundary, Roman Prosanov
• On bodies floating in equalibrium in every direction, Dmitry Ryabogin
• Covering techniques in Integer & Lattice Programming, Moritz Venzin
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