Page 181 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 181

Nuclear Dimension of Simple C*-Algebras and Extensions

Samuel Evington,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom

The nuclear dimension of a C*-algebra, introduced by Winter and Zacharias, is a non-commu-
tative generalisation of the covering dimension of a topological space.

Whilst any non-negative integer or infinity can be realised as the nuclear dimension of some
commutative C*-algebra, the nuclear dimension of a simple C*-algebra must be either 0,1 or
infinity. This trichotomy is just one application of my joint work on the Toms–Winter Conjec-
ture with Castillejos, Tikuisis, White, and Winter. In this talk, I will outline the results, their
application to classification theory, and the new ideas at the heart of our work.

I will then discuss the recent developments on the nuclear dimension of extensions, includ-
ing the work on the Cuntz–Toeplitz algebras undertaken during the Glasgow Summer Project

Quantum groups in the heat

Amaury Freslon,
Université Paris-Saclay, France

Coauthors: Lucas Teyssier, Simeng Wang

In this talk, I will consider the diffusion of the heat semi-group on free orthogonal quantum
groups. In the case of classical orthogonal groups, this is the Markov semi-group associated
to the Brownian motion, and it is known to spread very abruptly in the sense that it exhibits a
cut-off phenomenon (this is a result of P.-L. Meliot).

I will explain what this means and show that this phenomenon also occurs in the quantum
setting. I will further detail how one can get a more precise description of the behaviour of the
semi-group around the mixing time by computing the so-called limiting profile. This is based
on a joint work with L. Teyssier and S. Wang.

Nuclear dimension of crossed products attached to partial

Shirly Geffen,
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and WWU Münster, Germany

The concept of a C*-algebraic partial automorphism, namely an isomorphism between two ide-
als of a C*-algebra, was introduced by Exel in the 1990s. Many important C*-algebras that can-
not be written as a crossed product by a (global) automorphism, have a description as a crossed
product by a partial automorphism. In connection with the classification program, I show that in
some cases crossed products attached to partial homeomorphisms on finite-dimensional spaces,
have finite nuclear dimension.

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