Page 205 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 205


Organized by
Lajos Molnár, University of Szeged, Hungary
Bojan Kuzma, University of Primorska, Slovenia

• On maps preserving products equal to fixed elements, Louisa Catalano
• Total variation distance isometries of probability measures, Gregor Dolinar
• The minimax principle in the Jordan setting, Francisco J. Fernandez Polo
• Recent generalisations of classical theorems on quantum mechanical symmetry

transformations, György Pál Gehér
• Tingley’s problem on uniform algebras, Osamu Hatori
• Wigner’s theorem in normed spaces, Dijana Iliševic´
• Meet preservers between lattices of real-valued continuous functions, Kristopher Lee
• On the linearity of order-isomorphisms, Bas Lemmens
• Unitarily Invariant Norms on Operators and Distance Preserving Maps, Chi Kwong Li
• Schur null preservers, Ying-Fen Lin
• Linear functions preserving Green’s relations over fields, Artem Maksaev
• The Gleason–Kahane–Z˙ elazko theorem and automatic countinuity, Javad Mashreghi
• Maps on positive definite cones of C∗-algebras preserving the Wasserstein mean,

Lajos Molnar
• Loewner’s theorem for maps on operator domains, Michiya Mori
• Surjective isometries on Banach algebras of Lipschitz maps taking values in a unital

C∗-algebra, Shiho Oi
• Free functions preserving certain partial orders of operators, Miklós Pálfia
• Linear maps which are (triple) derivable or anti-derivable at a point, Antonio M. Peralta
• Singularity preserving maps on matrix algebras, Valentin Promyslov
• Maps preserving absolute continuity of positive operators, Tamás Titkos
• Isometries of Wasserstein spaces, Dániel Virosztek
• Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks, Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma
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