Page 240 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 240

On Efficient Domination for H-free bipartite graphs

Andreas Brandstaedt,
Institute of Informatics, Germany

Coauthor: Raffaele Mosca

A vertex set D in a finite undirected graph G is an efficient dominating set (e.d.s. for short) of
G if every vertex of G is dominated by exactly one vertex of D. The Efficient Domination (ED)
problem, asks for the existence of an e.d.s. in G; it is the Exact Cover problem for the closed
neighborhood hypergraph of G. ED is known to be NP-complete even for very restricted H-
free graph classes such as for 2P3-free chordal graphs (and thus, for P7-free graphs) while it is
solvable in polynomial time for P6-free graphs. For H-free graphs, ED is either NP-complete or
polynomial, i.e., a dichotomy. However, for H-free bipartite graphs, there is no such dichotomy.

Lu and Tang showed that ED is NP-complete for chordal bipartite graphs and for planar
bipartite graphs; actually, ED is NP-complete even for planar bipartite graphs with vertex degree
at most 3 and girth at least g for every fixed g. Thus, ED is NP-complete for K1,4-free bipartite
graphs and for C4-free bipartite graphs. For classes of bounded clique-width, ED is solvable in
polynomial time. Dabrowski and Paulusma published a dichotomy for clique-width of H-free
bipartite graphs. For instance, clique-width of S1,2,3-free bipartite graphs is bounded.

In Discrete Applied Math. 270 (2019), we published a manuscript “On efficient domination
for some classes of H-free bipartite graphs”. We showed that (weighted) ED can be solved in
polynomial time for H-free bipartite graphs when H is P7 or P4 for fixed , and similarly for
P9-free bipartite graphs with vertex degree at most 3, and when H is S2,2,4. In this talk, we also
mention a polynomial time solution for P8-free bipartite graphs (which was an open problem in
our publication).

Domination number of graphs with fixed minimum degree

Csilla Bujtás,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

We discuss upper bounds on the domination number of graphs with a fixed minimum degree.
The main result states that for every graph G on n vertices and with minimum degree 5, the
domination number γ(G) cannot exceed n/3. The proof is obtained via an algorithmic approach
where a weighting method is combined with a discharging process.

Extending Thomason’s Algorithm

Kathie Cameron,
Wilfrid Laurer University, Canada

Carsten Thomassen and I proved that in any graph G, the number of cycles containing a spec-
ified edge as well as all the odd-degree vertices is odd if and only if G is eulerian. Where all
vertices have even degree this is a theorem of Shunichi Toida and where all vertices have odd
degree it is Andrew Thomason’s extension of Smith’s Theorem. Andrew Thomason proved his
theorem by constructing a graph X(G) in which the odd-degree vertices correspond precisely to
the things he wants to show there are an even number of, namely the hamiltonian cycles contain-

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