Page 270 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 270

We introduce two incidence structures denoted by Dmax and Dmin with H as set of points.
The blocks of Dmax are labeled by maximal subgroups of Eqn, while the blocks of Dmin are
labeled by groups of order q.

We fully describe a duality between Dmax and Dmin by proving some identities over group
rings. The proven results are used to provide a full description of incidence matrices of Dmax
and Dmin and their mutual dependance.

On the Oberwolfach Problem for single-flip 2-factors via graceful

Tommaso Traetta,
Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy

Coauthors: Peter Danziger, Andrea C. Burgess

The Oberwolfach Problem, posed by Ringel in 1967 and still open, asks for each odd integer
v > 1 and each 2-regular graph F of order v to determine whether there is a decomposition of
the complete graph Kv into copies of F .

We construct solutions whenever F has a sufficiently large odd cycle meeting a specified
lower bound and, in addition, F has a single-flip automorphism (i.e. an involutory automor-
phism acting as a reflection on exactly one cycle). For even orders v, we give analogous results
for the maximum packing and minimum covering variants of the problem. We also show a
similar result when the edges of Kv have multiplicity 2, but in this case we only require that F
has a sufficiently large cycle.

Our methods build on the techniques used in [2] and involve a doubling construction de-
fined in [1] which we apply to graceful labelings of 2-regular graphs with a vertex removed,
allowing us to explicitly construct solutions to the Oberwolfach Problem with well-behaved

This is joint work with Andrea Burgess and Peter Danziger.


[1] M. Buratti, T. Traetta. 2-starters, graceful labelings, and a doubling construction for the
Oberwolfach Problem. J. Combin. Des. 20 (2012), 483–503.

[2] T. Traetta. A complete solution to the two-table Oberwolfach Problems. J. Combin. Theory
Ser. A 120 (2013), 984–997.

On the classification of unitals on 28 points of low rank

Alfred Wassermann,
University of Bayreuth, Germany
Coauthor: Vladimir Tonchev

Unitals are combinatorial 2-(q3 + 1, q + 1, 1) designs. In 1981, Brouwer constructed 138 non-
isomorphic unitals for q = 3, i.e. 2-(28, 4, 1) designs. He observed that the 2-rank of the
constructed unitals is at least 19, where the p-rank of a design is defined as the rank of the
incidence matrix between points and blocks of the design over the finite field GF(p). In 1998,

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