Page 307 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 307


Organized by Joanna Ellis-Monaghan, Saint Michael’s College, United States
Coorganized by Mark Ellingham, Vanderbilt University, United States

• Marked Graphs, marked polynomials and relationships with chromatic symmetric
functions and W-polynomials, Jose Aliste Prieto

• On the symmetry groups of the neighborly polytopes, Djordje Baralic´
• Limits for embedding distributions, Yichao Chen
• On the Gross-Mansour-Tucker conjecture, Sergei Chmutov
• Embedded graphs and delta-matroids, Carolyn Chun
• Embeddings with Eulerian faces II: degree conditions, Mark Ellingham
• Embeddings with Eulerian faces I: context and parities, Joanna Ellis-Monaghan
• Formal grammar modeling three-stranded DNA:RNA braids, Margherita Maria Ferrari
• Tutte characters for combinatorial coalgebras, Alex Fink
• Tutte’s dichromate for signed graphs, Andrew Goodall
• A colored version of Brylawski’s tensor product formula and its applications,

Gábor Hetyei
• Hopf Algebras in Studying Graph and Embedded Graph Polynomials, Sergei Lando
• A new enumerator polynomial with a smart derivative, Serge Lawrencenko
• Eulerian and bipartite partial duals, Metrose Metsidik
• From matrix pivots to graphs in surfaces: touring combinatorics as guided by partial

duals, Iain Moffatt
• Framed- and Biframed Knotoids, Wout Moltmaker
• Coloring quadrangulations of the projective space, Atsuhiro Nakamoto
• The two-variable Bollobás–Riordan polynomial of a connected even delta-matroid is

irreducible, Steven Noble
• Spanning bipartite subgraphs of triangulations of a surface, Kenta Noguchi
• A list orientation of graphs, Kenta Ozeki
• Partial Twuality Polynomials, Thomas W. Tucker
• Ternary self-distributive cohomology and invariants of framed links and knotted surfaces

with boundary, Emanuele Zappala
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