Page 323 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 323


Organized by Cristina Dalfó, Universitat de Lleida, Spain
Coorganized by Francesco Belardo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

• Playing with quaternions unit gain graphs, Maurizio Brunetti
• Complementary prisms and their spectra, Paula Carvalho
• Spectra and eigenspaces from regular partitions of Cayley (di)graphs of permutation

groups, Cristina Dalfo
• On the rank of pseudo walk matrices, Alexander Farrugia
• The local spectra of a graph and some of their applications, Miquel Àngel Fiol Mora
• Maximal cliques in strongly regular graphs, Gary Greaves
• Optimal Grid Drawings of Complete Multipartite Graphs and an Integer Variant of the

Algebraic Connectivity, Clemens Huemer
• Strongly regular signed graphs and association schemes, Ivana Jovovic´
• Classes of strongly regular signed graphs, Tamara Koledin
• Systems of equiangular lines, Seidel matrices and adjacency matrices, Jack Koolen
• Isospectral magnetic graphs, Fernando Lledó
• Almost mixed Moore graphs and their spectra, Ignacio Lopez Lorenzo
• Characterizing identifying codes from the spectrum of a graph or digraph,

Berenice Martínez Barona
• On some classes of signed graphs with small second largest eigenvalue,

Bojana Mihailovic´
• Eigenvalues and [a, b]-factors in regular graphs, Suil O
• Construction of upper bounds of the HOMO-LUMO spectral gaps by semidefinite

relaxation techniques, Sonˇa Pavlíková
• On symmetric association schemes and associated quotient-polynomial graphs,

Safet Penjic´
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