Page 460 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 460
Strong unique continuation at the boundary in linear elasticity and its
connection with optimal stability in the determination of unknown
Edi Rosset,
Università di Trieste, Italy
Coauthors: Giovanni Alessandrini, Antonino Morassi, Sergio Vessella
Quantitative estimates of Strong Unique Continuation at the boundary for solutions to the
isotropic Kirchhoff-Love plates subject to Dirichlet conditions, and for solutions to the Gen-
eralized plane stress problem subject to Neumann conditions are presented. These results have
been applied to prove optimal stability estimates for the inverse problem of determining un-
known boundaries.
[1] G. Alessandrini, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal three spheres inequality at the boundary
for the Kirchhoff-Love plate’s equation with Dirichlet conditions, Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal., 231 (2019), 1455–1486.
[2] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal stability in the identification of a rigid inclu-
sion in an isotropic Kirchhoff-Love plate, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 51 (2019), 731–747.
[3] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal identification of a cavity in the Generalized
Plane Stress problem in linear elasticity, J. Eur. Math. Soc., to appear.
[4] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Doubling Inequality at the Boundary for the Kirchhoff-
Love Plate’s Equation with Dirichlet Conditions, Le Matematiche, LXXV (2020), 27–55,
Open access.
Weak Solutions for an Implicit, Degenerate Poro-elastic Plate System
Justin Webster,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States
Coauthor: Elena Gurvich
We consider a recent plate model obtained as a scaled limit of the three dimensional quasi-static
Biot system of poro-elasticity. The result is a “2.5" dimensional linear system that couples
traditional Euler-Bernoulli plate dynamics to a pressure equation in three dimensions, where
diffusion acts only transversely. Motived by application, we allow the permeability function to
be time-dependent, making the problem non-autonomous and disqualifying much of the stan-
dard theory. Weak solutions are defined and the problem is framed abstractly as an implicit,
degenerate evolution problem:
[Bp]t + A(t)p = S.
Existence is obtained, and uniqueness follows under additional hypotheses on the temporal
regularity of the permeability. Time permitting, we address the inertial case with constant per-
meability by way of semigroup theory.
Strong unique continuation at the boundary in linear elasticity and its
connection with optimal stability in the determination of unknown
Edi Rosset,
Università di Trieste, Italy
Coauthors: Giovanni Alessandrini, Antonino Morassi, Sergio Vessella
Quantitative estimates of Strong Unique Continuation at the boundary for solutions to the
isotropic Kirchhoff-Love plates subject to Dirichlet conditions, and for solutions to the Gen-
eralized plane stress problem subject to Neumann conditions are presented. These results have
been applied to prove optimal stability estimates for the inverse problem of determining un-
known boundaries.
[1] G. Alessandrini, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal three spheres inequality at the boundary
for the Kirchhoff-Love plate’s equation with Dirichlet conditions, Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal., 231 (2019), 1455–1486.
[2] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal stability in the identification of a rigid inclu-
sion in an isotropic Kirchhoff-Love plate, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 51 (2019), 731–747.
[3] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal identification of a cavity in the Generalized
Plane Stress problem in linear elasticity, J. Eur. Math. Soc., to appear.
[4] A. Morassi, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Doubling Inequality at the Boundary for the Kirchhoff-
Love Plate’s Equation with Dirichlet Conditions, Le Matematiche, LXXV (2020), 27–55,
Open access.
Weak Solutions for an Implicit, Degenerate Poro-elastic Plate System
Justin Webster,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States
Coauthor: Elena Gurvich
We consider a recent plate model obtained as a scaled limit of the three dimensional quasi-static
Biot system of poro-elasticity. The result is a “2.5" dimensional linear system that couples
traditional Euler-Bernoulli plate dynamics to a pressure equation in three dimensions, where
diffusion acts only transversely. Motived by application, we allow the permeability function to
be time-dependent, making the problem non-autonomous and disqualifying much of the stan-
dard theory. Weak solutions are defined and the problem is framed abstractly as an implicit,
degenerate evolution problem:
[Bp]t + A(t)p = S.
Existence is obtained, and uniqueness follows under additional hypotheses on the temporal
regularity of the permeability. Time permitting, we address the inertial case with constant per-
meability by way of semigroup theory.