Page 593 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 593
In the talk, we will discuss an interpretation of this invariant in the framework of open book
decompositions of 3-manifolds, and a new refinement of the invariant which measures in some
sense non-(Stein/symplectic)-fillability of a contact structure. We will show how this can be
used to provide an obstruction to existence of Stein fillings of such structures. This is joint
work with C. Kutluhan, G. Matic, and J. Van Horn-Morris.
SU(2)-representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds
Raphael Zentner,
Universität Regensburg, Germany
We will review some known facts about SU(2)-representations of fundamental groups of 3-
manifolds, and explain how tools from gauge theory permit conclusions of existence. Part of
this will be about joined work with Steven Sivek, and part about joined work with Tye Lidman
and Juanita Pinzon Caicedo.
In the talk, we will discuss an interpretation of this invariant in the framework of open book
decompositions of 3-manifolds, and a new refinement of the invariant which measures in some
sense non-(Stein/symplectic)-fillability of a contact structure. We will show how this can be
used to provide an obstruction to existence of Stein fillings of such structures. This is joint
work with C. Kutluhan, G. Matic, and J. Van Horn-Morris.
SU(2)-representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds
Raphael Zentner,
Universität Regensburg, Germany
We will review some known facts about SU(2)-representations of fundamental groups of 3-
manifolds, and explain how tools from gauge theory permit conclusions of existence. Part of
this will be about joined work with Steven Sivek, and part about joined work with Tye Lidman
and Juanita Pinzon Caicedo.