Page 605 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 605
Automated Reasoning for Experimental Mathematics
Alexei Lisitsa,
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
In this talk we present recent developments in the application of automated reasoning meth-
ods and techniques, such as automated theorem (dis)proving, constraint and SAT solving, in
Experimental Mathematics. We argue that automated reasoning is a very useful tool for the
development of mathematical knowledge which, in particular, can help to discover new math-
ematical results [1], can be used as a powerful alternative to mathematical algorithms [2] and
can be used to verify and falsify published mathematical results [3].
[1] B. Konev, A. Lisitsa: Computer-aided proof of Erdo˝s discrepancy properties. Artif. Intell.
224: 103-118 (2015) arxiv version:
[2] A. Fish, A. Lisitsa: Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration. CICM
2014: 76-91; arxiv version:
[3] A. Khan, A. Lisitsa, A. Vernitski: Experimental Mathematics Approach to Gauss Dia-
grams Realizability,, March 2021
The centre Mersenne for diamond open access publication
Evelyne Miot,
CNRS - Mathdoc, France
We shall present the centre Mersenne, a comprehensive publishing infrastructure for diamond
open access scientific journals written in LaTeX (mainly in mathematics so far, but not only).
The centre Mersenne is developed by Mathdoc, a service unit of CNRS and Grenoble Univer-
sity. Launched in 2018 with about ten mathematical journals, the centre Mersenne currenty
disseminates more than 20 journals in a larger and connected scientific area. We will discuss
the main achievements of the centre Mersenne since its creation as well as its challenges and
objectives for the next future.
Standard and Custom APIs for Mathematical Information Retrieval
Fabian Müller,
FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany
Industry-standard APIs like OAI-PMH exist for harvesting metadata from repository providers
like zbMATH Open. They contain a common baseline functionality, which can however be
extended in ways specific to the provider. Going further in this direction, customized REST
APIs enable users to access data in a more structured fashion, as well as depositing data instead
of just reading. We give an overview of our vision for zbMATH Open and its current status.
Automated Reasoning for Experimental Mathematics
Alexei Lisitsa,
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
In this talk we present recent developments in the application of automated reasoning meth-
ods and techniques, such as automated theorem (dis)proving, constraint and SAT solving, in
Experimental Mathematics. We argue that automated reasoning is a very useful tool for the
development of mathematical knowledge which, in particular, can help to discover new math-
ematical results [1], can be used as a powerful alternative to mathematical algorithms [2] and
can be used to verify and falsify published mathematical results [3].
[1] B. Konev, A. Lisitsa: Computer-aided proof of Erdo˝s discrepancy properties. Artif. Intell.
224: 103-118 (2015) arxiv version:
[2] A. Fish, A. Lisitsa: Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration. CICM
2014: 76-91; arxiv version:
[3] A. Khan, A. Lisitsa, A. Vernitski: Experimental Mathematics Approach to Gauss Dia-
grams Realizability,, March 2021
The centre Mersenne for diamond open access publication
Evelyne Miot,
CNRS - Mathdoc, France
We shall present the centre Mersenne, a comprehensive publishing infrastructure for diamond
open access scientific journals written in LaTeX (mainly in mathematics so far, but not only).
The centre Mersenne is developed by Mathdoc, a service unit of CNRS and Grenoble Univer-
sity. Launched in 2018 with about ten mathematical journals, the centre Mersenne currenty
disseminates more than 20 journals in a larger and connected scientific area. We will discuss
the main achievements of the centre Mersenne since its creation as well as its challenges and
objectives for the next future.
Standard and Custom APIs for Mathematical Information Retrieval
Fabian Müller,
FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany
Industry-standard APIs like OAI-PMH exist for harvesting metadata from repository providers
like zbMATH Open. They contain a common baseline functionality, which can however be
extended in ways specific to the provider. Going further in this direction, customized REST
APIs enable users to access data in a more structured fashion, as well as depositing data instead
of just reading. We give an overview of our vision for zbMATH Open and its current status.