Page 66 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 66

Graph limits and Markov spaces

László Lovász,
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Limit objects for sequences of finite structures, larger and largerin size but more and more sim-
ilar in some sense, have been constructedsporadically, perhaps since von Neumann constructed
continuous geometries, butthis research has become quite extensive in the last decade and a
half. Graphsare perhaps the simplest structures, and accordingly, the limit theory ofgraphs has
made the most progress. The theory of graph limits is only understood, to a somewhat satisfac-
torydegree, in the cases of bounded degree graphs (initiated by Benjamini andSchramm) and
of dense graphs (initiated by Borgs, Chayes, Lovász, Szegedy, Sósand Vesztergombi). More
recently there is a lot of interest in the intermediatecases. It appears that the most important
constituents of graph limits in the general case will be Markov spaces (Markov chains on mea-
surable spaces with astationary distribution). Several important theorems can be extended from
finite graphs to Markov spacesor, more generally, to measurable spaces: flow theory, expanders
and spectra,mixing of random walks, etc. In this talk we will give a glimpse into thisemerging
theory, based on the work of Á. Backhaus, D. Kunszenti-Kovács, B.Szegedy and the speaker.

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