Page 663 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 663


• Some problems for a mixed type equation fractional order with non-linear loaded term,
Obidjon Abdullaev

• Two-Dimensional Time-Fractional Telegraph Equation of Distributed order in Polar
Coordinate, Alireza Ansari

• Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Geometric Analysis Meets Observational Astrophysics,
Shabnam Beheshti

• Convergence estimates for abstract second order differential equations with two small
parameters and lipschitzian nonlinearities, Galina Rusu

• Geometric Hardy inequalities on starshaped sets, Bolys Sabitbek
• Multiple entire solutions to the curl-curl problem with critical exponent, Jacopo Schino
• Asymptotic study of a thin layer of viscous fluid between two surfaces,

Raquel Taboada Vázquez
• Method of energy estimates for studying of singular boundary regimes in quasilinear

parabolic equations, Yevgeniia Yevgenieva
• Operator-norm asymptotics for thin elastic rods with rapidly oscillating periodic

properties, Josip Žubrinic´
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