Page 693 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 693

• Positive periodic solutions for nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales,
Kamel Ali Khelil

• Integration the loaded KdV equation in the class of steplike function, Iroda Baltaeva
• Covid-19 Transmission on long-term care facilities: optimizing control strategies,

Doménica Garzón
• Maximal regularity for evolution equations and application to the Stefan problem,

Martin Lukarevski
• Generalizations of Steffensen’s inequality by interpolating polynomials,

Anamarija Perušic´ Pribanic´
• On 2-closures of rank 3 groups, Saveliy Skresanov
• Mean value theorems for polynomial solutions of linear elliptic equations with constant

coefficients in the complex plane, Olha Trofymenko
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