Page 49 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 49
itive effects of physical activity of older adults gibanje in zdravje starejših odraslih | physical activity and health of the elderly
for the cardiovascular disease prevention
Jasmina Korajac, Anel Karić, Nuša Zagoričnik, Andrej Starc
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduciton and purpose. Despite advances in the treatment of cardiovascular
disease, the incidence of new coronary artery disease remains elevated, and is
the leading cause of death in developed countries. Three-quarters of cardio-
vascular deaths could be prevented by appropriate lifestyle changes. These are
most commonly smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. Physical activi-
ty is one of the key lifestyle factors that cares about maintaining and improving
health. It has also been shown that exercise intensity and duration are direct-
ly related to improving physical health outcomes and reduction of mortality.
However, compared to physical inactivity, any physical activity provides pro-
tection against risk factors. With this we want to highlight the impact of move-
ment and physical activity itself, and what are the consequences of it on health
and quality of life. And what an individual can do to avoid various risk factors?
Presentation of content. The World Health Organisation (WHO) argued that
substantial health benefits can be achieved by moderate intensity PA of at least
150 minutes per week, or vigorous intensity PA of at least 75 minutes per
week, or any combination of moderate and vigorous intensity PA. The elder-
ly population is struggling with declining physical functions and muscle mass,
which in turn reduces their ability to perform daily life activities and maintain
independence. Regular physical activity helps to improve chronic disease that
is why the promotion of regular physical activity is very important. Regular
physical activity helps to improve physical health and cardiovascular function in
the elderly. Exercises such as fitness, walking and running can help in losing ex-
cess weight, and reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Walk-
ing improves heart function (heart rate and blood pressure). Running improves
strength and slows down muscle wasting. They can adjust the intensity of the
exercises as they wish.
Conclusion. Cardiovascular deaths could be prevented by lifestyle changes. The
most important changes would be smoking cessation, the introduction of a
healthy diet and more physical activity. All of this would help alleviate the form
of chronic diseases with fewer complications such as diabetes, high blood pres-
sure, reduced chance of obesity, and stroke. Physical activity is related to our
daily lives, we are active during housework, work and school. The exercise we
systematically perform is structured, repetitive and, of course, with a specific
goal, we include all sports, walking, running, fitness, etc. This exercise has been
proven to improve our physical health and reduce mortality regardless of age
compared to no activity.
Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, ageing, physical activity

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