Page 104 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 104
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 102 Figure 4 shows the moderating role of age for the relationship between
the frequency of health-related search and an individual’s health status. The re-
sults show that in the youngest and oldest age group, the search for health in-
formation is associated with better health (see positive coefficients in Figure 4)
and in the middle age group with poorer health. We note that none of the asso-
ciations reached the level of statistical significance (p>0.05).

Figure 4: Moderating role of age for the relationship between the frequency
of searching for health information and the self-rated health
Source: Slovenian Public Opinion 2018/1 (Hafner Fink et al. 2019).
Note: Data indicates coefficient between health information search
and self-rated health.
We also performed a regression analysis predicting the frequency of
health-related information searches while controlling for the demograph-
ic variables. We were interested in whether better health was associated with
more frequent search for health information when controlling for other vari-
ables. The analysis showed that of the four variables included in our model,
the only statistically significant predictor of more frequent health information
search was female gender (β=0.09; p <0.05). The other three predictors did not
prove statistically significant, including self-rated health.
Based on our study, we can summarize that there are differences in the fre-
quency of searches for health information online and on apps by some determi-
nants in Slovenia. Three out of five people search for health information online
or apps at least monthly, and just under 15% of the population are non-seek-
ers. Information is more often searched for by the elderly (but their group al-
so has the largest proportion of non-seekers), women and those with poorer
health (the largest proportion of non-seekers is also among them). We also find
that age moderates the relationship between the frequency of health informa-
tion seeking and the health status of the individual. In the youngest and oldest
age groups, the search for health information is associated with better health
(though statistically insignificantly). Multivariate analysis of the factors pre-
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