Page 12 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 12
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 10 and about self-care in doing so. In addition, the aim is to increase cooperation
between organizations and groups of individuals, and to increase the number
of transmitters of information through promotional activities and influential
people, thereby increasing the number of politicians who support the proposed
policy changes. A program to promote self-care in people with heart failure
would achieve a higher quality of life for elderly who face such problems.

The advantages of the project are, above all, urging the elderly population
to better self-care heart failure activity. Through these activities and measures,
self-care helps to reduce direct and indirect health care expenditure, reduces
hospitalizations and increases the health-related quality of life.

Opportunities for active participation in various sports activities, learn-
ing about diets and a healthy diet, which is crucial in managing and reducing
symptoms. Individuals have the opportunity to talk individually with experts
in the field. The program offers empowerment to heart failure sufferers as well
as their relatives or close people, and can also lead to improved health, well-be-
ing and, consequently, the quality of life of individuals with HF and their rel-

Heart failure is a medical condition with frequent hospitalizations, high mor-
tality, and high treatment costs. Due to better treatment of acute conditions in
cardiology and the aging of the population, the prevalence of heart failure is
increasing, which is the only condition in cardiology whose burden is increas-
ing. Therefore, important health education programs that encourage individu-
als (individual approach) or groups of the population (group approach) to be-
gin to actively care for their health, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills,
and develop positive attitudes and behavioural patterns for a healthy lifestyle.

Only through the joint action of all stakeholders in the field of healthcare,
the economy, the non-governmental sector and others can we achieve better
health for all of us.


L., (2019). A nurse-led structured education program improves self-man-
agement skills and reduces hospital readmissions in patients with chronic
heart failure: a randomized and controlled trial in China. Rural and Re-
mote Health 19(2): 1–8. doi:
GU, J., YIN, Z.F., ZHANG, H.L., FAN, Y.Q., ZHANG, J.F., WANG, C.Q., (2020).
Characteristics and outcomes of transitions among heart failure catego-
ries: a prospective observational cohort study. ESC Heart Fail 7(2): 616–
25. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.12619.
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