Page 145 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 145

Prevention and rehabilitation in the context
of long-term care (LTC) in Slovenia

Tatjana Pokrajac

University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction: Our work is a more extensive overview of the state of long-
term care in Slovenia, describing existing social and health care, and
preventive and rehabilitation services in the context of long-term care.
Methods: A systematic review of the literature in that bibliographic
COBISS database was used. The restrictive criteria were as follows: the
literature was summarised from 2010 to 2020, the authors included
in the field of public health, title, summary and content containing
content on long-term care. The key words for the search were „elderly“,
„demography“ AND „elderly“, „long-term care“ AND „elderly“, „culture“
AND „elderly“, „prevention“ AND „elderly“, „prevention“ AND „long-
term care“, „rehabilitation“ AND ”elderly”, „rehabilitation“ AND „long-
term care“, „government“ AND „long-term care“, and „funding“ AND
„long-term care“. The systematic review was carried out according to the
Prisma (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analyses) guidelines. This work is a result of the findings of a European
project called INTERLINKS (Engl. INTERfaces and LINKS between
prevention, rehabilitation, quality of services and informal care),
which deals with health systems and long-term care for older people
in Europe. This article is adapted to the situation in Slovenia. Results:
The reviewed literature covered 7320 articles, books, laws and results
of national statistics, of which 27 were final. The results showed, firstly,
that demographic development by 2050 includes both a relative and an
absolute increase in older and very old people in Slovenia, and thus we
expect an increasing number of people with long-term care needs. We
already have a number of activities (e.g. help with personal hygiene at
home, community care, social networking, etc.) and various providers
(Community nurses, health technicians, social workers, etc.) who deal
with issues that are elements of long-term care, but we do not yet have
the full scope of this activity and the operators. Legislation on long-term
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