Page 83 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 83

Integrating the needs of LGBT+ older adults
into health and social care education

Anže Jurček, Mojca Urek

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Ljubljana, Slovenia;

Introduction: Non-normative sexual orientation, gender identity and
gender expression at the intersection of old age, represent diverse
risks of discrimination and social exclusion, and at the same time can
include many negative consequences for a person’s health and sense of
security. In old age, the situation may worsen, as LGBT+ older adults
are less likely to access various forms of support that could trigger
coming out of the closet. Research shows that inequalities in health and
social care of LGBT+ older adults persist due to the lack of inclusive
services and cultural competence of health and social care practitioners.
Methods: The partners of the European project “Being Me” took up
the challenges presented and explored good educational practices on
the needs and specific living conditions of LGBT+ older adults using
the innovative participatory method “World Café” (a method of group
dialog). In 2018, two “World Cafés” were organized with a total of 78
stakeholders (LGBT+ older adults, practitioners, researchers, students,
professors and teachers). An evaluation of both events was conducted
using questionnaires. The project also included research into the
national contexts of the participating partners and the publication of
two systematic literature reviews on approaches to education on LGBT+
older adults and the impact of such education on health and social care
staff. Results: In the first World Café, participants shared their personal
experiences of care, highlighted the role of teachers in health and social
care, and formulated initial ideas about the knowledge and skills that
future practitioners should be equipped with to provide more inclusive
and safe care. The second World Café was dedicated to researching
specific methods and useful resources for delivering trainings and using
them in education. A systematic review of the literature and both World
Cafés led to the development of online learning materials and principles
of good practice for all who educate in the field of health and social care.
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