Page 144 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
P. 144
She is an active member of the Croatian Prof. Sanja Popović-Grle MD, PhD
Thoracic Society, the Croatian Respira-
severe asthma forum 1: severe asthma - basic and clinical views tory Society, the European Respiratory Sanja Popović-Grle is a Professor of Res-
Society, the Croatian Medical Associa- piratory Medicine at University of Za-
tion and the Croatian Medical Chamber. greb, Croatia, and Chief of Clinical De-
She has actively participated in numerous partment for allergic and obstructive
domestic and international scientific and pulmonary diseases at University Hospi-
professional conferences. tal Centre Zagreb.
In 2018, she participated in the ERS After qualifying in medicine and obtain-
spirometry training programme, and ob- ing her Doctor of Medicine degree from
tained a European license for an educator the University of Zagreb in 1983., prof.
in the field of respiratory function. Grle started her professional career in the
So far, she has published several scientif- central state Pulmonary hospital Jordano-
ic and professional papers, 4 indexed in vac in Zagreb, as an employee from the
Current Contents, 9 in international in- Medical faculty, after obligatory praxis
dexed publications and 7 in other publi- for 2 years as a general practitioner.
cations. She has participated in numerous Prof. Grle main research interest is in the
domestic and international scientific and field of asthma, allergy, and COPD, espe-
professional conferences, especially in the cially in clinical diagnostic methods and
field of pulmonology and allergology. So management. She has published papers
far, she has actively participated in con- in peer-reviewed journals and book chap-
gresses and gatherings organized by the ters for students, residents, specialists or
Croatian Thoracic Society (2014, 2016, patients. In addition to the clinical duties,
2017, 2018, 2019), International Con- prof. Grle has lectured extensively on top-
gress of the European Respiratory Socie- ics. She is a reviewer of various interna-
ty (2018, 2019) European Academy of Al- tional journals. She has been Member of
lergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Organizing and Scientific Committees.
She has 24 conference papers published Assist. Prof. Matija Rijavec PhD
in proceedings. She is the winner of
“Toraks” Award for Best Scientific Pa- After graduating from the Biotechnical
per in 2016. Since 2019 she has been a re- Faculty, University of Ljubljana (2004),
search associate at the School of medicine, he earned his PhD degree in the field of
University of Zagreb, and since October Biomedicine at the University of Ljublja-
2020 she has been elected as a senior lec- na (2010). Since 2015 Matija is also As-
turer at the Faculty of Medicine, Univer- sistant Professor in the field of Immunolo-
sity of Rijeka. The narrower area she has gy at the Biotechnical Faculty, University
been dealing with for many years are ob- of Ljubljana. Matija is involved in dif-
structive lung diseases - primarily asthma, ferent fields of clinical research, main-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ly studying immunology and genetics of
and lung function and allergic diseases. complex diseases, allergy/anaphylaxis,
hereditary angioedema, asthma, COPD,
atopic dermatitis, sarcoidosis, cystic fibro-
sis, and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. A
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