Page 171 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 171
ook through the Glass

Caroline M. Jackson

Iwish to strongly support the application for grown considerably in the last 20 years. It will be 171
funding for the publication of a volume on read widely by scholars who work on the analy-
the scientific study of glasses by Professor Ire- sis of glass, those who are interested in the his-
na Lazar. The volume is timely, as 2022 is the In- tory of glasses, material scientists, archaeological
ternational Commission on Glass and United scientists and both arts, humanities and science
Nations International Year of Glass and the col- students. The publication will also resonate with
lection of papers will form an important contri- those interested in the history and archaeology
bution. This volume will constitute a firstly a cel- of Slovenia. It will promote an understanding of
ebration of glass but it also focusses on research scientific work in archaeology of the region, and
undertaken in and around Slovenia. Thus it will in glass, to the general public internationally, es-
illustrate the role of glass in a regional archae- pecially if it can be widely available and accessi-
ological and historical study and demonstrate ble in an electronic format.
how this material and its products informs our
understanding of the material and political past. The publication highlights just some of
the major projects the author has researched
Irena Lazar is an internationally renowned through relevant and informative case studies.
researcher in ancient and historic glasses, and The volume is divided into three themes, the
has worked on the material from prehistory to first looks at the development of working with
the early modern period. She is the foremost re- glass in Slovenia and surrounding areas from the
searcher on the topic in Slovenia. She has active- Early Iron Age but focussing predominantly on
ly contributed to major international conferenc- the Roman period, a period when glass working
es, hosted the international congress on glass and glass use in the region was vibrant. This re-
research in 2012 and is on the board of the Asso- search includes important finds such as the lamp
ciation pour l’Histoire du Verre, the major inter- showing a glass working furnace and the glass
national body for historical and archaeological from the glass working regions in Celje and Ptuj.
glass research. The publication will showcase her It also demonstrates the range and extent of the
research and research collaborations into glass movement of glasses into and from the region.
spanning a wide chronological period, from Slo-
venia and neighbouring regions. The second theme in the book looks at
finds from the region which have internation-
The book gives a comprehensive coverage of al importance and relevance to our understand-
man-made glasses from all periods and incorpo- ing of the region in the Roman period; these in-
rates a very large body of knowledge. It provides clude a beaker which depicts Roman gods which
a very timely synthesis of the major and current have special social importance, vessels in the re-
work in the area – in a research theme which has gion which have been imported from specialist
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