Page 17 - Abstracts of the 2nd Slovenia–Turkey Bilateral Colloquium
P. 17
Slovenia–Turkey Bilateral Colloquium · Portorož, 19 May 2023

Cultural Heritage Restitution
and Repatriation: An Exploration
of Slovenian Regulatory Framework

Miha Bratec
University of Primorska, Slovenia

Repatriation of cultural property has become a contentious issue in inter-
national relations. Countries that have experienced archaeological dese-
cration are increasingly reclaiming objects illicitly transported to foreign
museum institutions. Different legislations and diverse ownership struc-
ture of museum across the World makes it challenging to enforce stan-
dardised legal requirements and procedures to follow universally. This
paper explores how the Slovenian regulatory framework deals with resti-
tution and repatriation. It assesses its functional domains and most chal-
lenging aspects compared with regulatory frameworks considered good
international practices in cultural heritage restitution.
Keywords: cultural heritage, repatriation, restitution, Slovenian regula-
tory framework

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