Page 4 - Koderman, Miha, Poklar, Mojca, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 4

The Slovenian Scientific Series in Humanities (SSSH) is
          a book series that promotes critical thinking, fosters original
          approaches and encourages comparative studies in the fields
          of history, anthropology, ethnology, linguistics and literary
          studies, geography and archaeology of rural, urban and maritime
          human environments. It concentrates on Slovenia and the
          eastern half of Europe, but is open to wider European and World
          themes. The SSSH wishes to help overcome the prevalently
          western centred perspective and interpretations as well as fill
          the knowledge gap about East-Central, South-Eastern, and
          Eastern Europe in international scholarly literature. It welcomes
          interdisciplinarily conceived volumes, theoretical explorations
          and alternative readings, original case studies and fieldwork
          research results. Topics covered include labour, development,
          population, migration, household, gender and kinship, the
          cultural landscape and natural resources use, multicultural and
          multilingual societies, the material and immaterial culture of
          past and present communities. The book series will include high
          quality focused thematic paper collections, original research
          monographs and higher education textbooks. The SSSH
          volumes will be of interest to researchers, postgraduate and
          undergraduate students, university and schoolteachers, as well
          as other professionals, experts and enthusiasts for current and
          innovative perspectives in humanities research.
          Chief editor
          Aleksander Panjek
          •  Žarko Lazarević, (history)
          •  Katja Hrobat Virloget (ethno-anthropology)
          •  Nives Zudič Antonič (linguistics)
          •  Gregor Kovačič (geography)
          •  Irena Lazar (archaeology)
          •  Lev Centrih (contact person for guest editors and authors:
          Scientific editorial board:
          Aleksej Kalc, Alenka Janko Spreizer, Allen J. Grieco, Alma Hafizi,
          Ana Zwitter, Angela Fabris, Boris Kavur, Claudio Minca, Eerika
          Koskinen-Koivisto, Ernest Ženko, Guido Alfani, Jesper Larsson,
          Jonatan Vinkler, Julijana Vučo, Kinga Dávid, Krish Seetah,
          Michèle Baussant, Miha Koderman, Mirza Mejdanija,
          Nevena Škrbič Alempijević, Peter Teibenbacher, Petra Kavrečič,
          Piotr Guzowski, Saša Čaval, Satoshi Murayama, Vlado Kotnik,
          Vuk Tvrtko Opačić.
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