Page 122 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 122

Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary

              Table 7.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies
              Strategies                       Examples
              Encouraging learners to guess the meaning  A game by showing the pupils only one part of
              of new words by providing visual scaffolds.  the picture.
              Encouraging prediction in stories.  What do you think will happen, will the Gruffalo
                                               eat the mouse?
              Helping them notice links to similar words in Does the word ‘giraffe’ look like a Slovene word
              L1.                              you know?
              Teaching them to use graphic signs.  Create diagrams, mind maps, word trees, etc.
              Teaching them to sketch the words.  Making quick sketches that connect the words to
                                               something personally meaningful to them.
              Teaching them various mnemonic   Choosing a keyword that cues you to think of the
              strategies.                      foreign word, such as ‘cloud’ in English and the
                                               name ‘Klavdija’ in Slovene, and then imagining
                                               a connection between them (e.g. a cloud over
                                               a girl called Klavdija), visualizing a familiar path
                                               and mentally associating vocabulary with spe-
                                               cific locations or objects along the way, creating
                                               rhymes, etc.

                  ure out meanings of words on their own by using contextual clues or guess-
                  ing the meaning from context. This will also help them deal with unfamiliar
                  words outside the classroom. By encouraging children to look up words in
                  dictionaries and build their own glossaries, they will become more indepen-
                  dent and will be able to deal with new vocabulary also without the teacher.
                  A good idea is also to teach children to create picture dictionaries by draw-
                  ing or cutting/pasting pictures from newspapers or magazines (Linse, 2005).
                  Table 7.2 presents some useful classroom activities aimed at developing YLs’
                  vocabulary learning strategies.

                  Content and Function Words
                  Words of language are split roughly into two groups according to their role in
                  constructing sentences: content words are those that carry lexical meaning,
                  while function words are mainly used for linking and syntactic purposes. In
                  the sentence

                       The little house in the street was built when my mother was a child.

                  the content words are nouns (house, street, mother, child), verbs (was built,
                  was) and an adjective (little). They are an open set which means that new

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