Page 143 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 143


              Figure 9.2
              Visual Support for Telling
              the Time

             ducing routine formats in their classes and thus give learners plenty of op-
             portunities for repetition and prediction of characteristic language patterns.
               There are numerous advantages to be
             gained by using a variety of established
             procedural and instructional routines in
             the FL classroom. However, we can do
             more than just exploiting the standard
             routine patterns which typically consti-
             tute everyday classroom life. We can
             capitalise on the habitual and repetitive
             nature of routines by establishing addi-
             tional, unconventional classroom prac-
             tices which can cater for different teach-
             ing objectives. For example, a teacher
             may decide to introduce a routine five-
             minute ‘keeping-fit activity’ in which
             learners in small groups take turns giv-
             ing each other instructions on how to do  Figure 9.3 Birthday Corner
             theexercises.Besidesthegeneralgoalof            in the Classroom
             developing learners’ speaking skills and
             increasing their confidence in commu-
             nicating in a foreign language, this activity can be related to some specific
             teaching objectives, such as learning the language of instructions.
               Especially in lower levels, teachers often see the benefits of building their

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