Page 157 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 157

Teaching Mixed-Ability Classes

              Classroom Insight: An Alternative Learning Environment
              In order to meet the needs of her mixed-  games, matching activities, a social game, etc.
              ability classes, Katarina decided to design a  An important characteristic of the lap book is
              teaching tool in the form of a lap book which  that the activities are designed at three levels
              contains activities at different levels of diffi-  based on the language level (vocabulary and
              culty. The lap book is meant as an alternative  structure complexity, communication skills)
              classroom environment and is available to  and the amount of scaffolding provided (vi-
              learners for individual work, either during the  sual, verbal or procedural). The different lev-
              lessons or during breaks and afternoon activ-  els are colour-coded which makes it easier for
              ities. The lap book consists of different tasks  the pupils to follow the lap book organisation
              related to the topic ‘jobs’ in the fourth grade  but also to monitor their own progress.
              (pupilsaged9/10),suchasastory, various

              Figure 9.4 Lap Book Aimed at Differentiating Activities

             in which learners develop skills for working with their peers in a variety of
             task designs. It is also not enough to tailor tasks by, for example, grading the
             tasks a little harder or easier depending on the learners’ abilities. As Tomlin-
             son (2017, p. 5) suggests that ‘trying to stretch a garment that is far too small
             or attempting to tuck and gather a garment that is far too large is likely to be
             less effective than getting clothes that are the right fit.’ In other words, if small
             adjustments to a task are not enough to make a lesson efficient, we need to
             redesign the whole lesson concept. Finally, DI is not just for students with se-
             rious learning disabilities, such as visually impaired children or children with
             an autism spectrum disorder. DI is designed for students who may just strug-
             gle with a particular step or topic, who may have problems concentrating for
             some reason or who just need a little more time to ‘take flight’ (Tomlinson,
               On a positive note, DI is characterised by several aspects (Tomlinson, 2017).

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