Page 51 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 51

Multiple Intelligences

              Table 2.3 Activities Catering for Different Intelligences
               Type        Description                     Classroom activities
               Linguistic  The ability to use language in special and  Group discussions
               intelligence  creative ways. People with a strong lin-  Word games
                           guistic intelligence are sensitive to sounds,  Pupils’ presentations
                           rhythm, and meanings of words.  Storytelling
               Logical-    The ability to think rationally. People with  Puzzles
               mathematical  a strong logical-mathematical intelligence  Problem-solving tasks
               intelligence  are good at problem-solving, analysing, dis- Looking for analogies
                           covering patterns.              Classifying
               Spatial     The ability to form mental models of the  Using charts, maps, diagrams
               intelligence  world. People have a good perception of  Imaginative storytelling
                           space, sense of orientation, and visual ca-  Painting and collage
                           pacity.                         Optical illusions
               Musical     A good ear for music. People with this intel- Playing recorded music
               intelligence  ligence are good at perceiving and produc- Using musical instruments
                           ing sound elements, such as rhythm, pitch  Singing
                           and melody.                     Jazz chants
               Bodily-     Having a well-coordinated body which en-  Role plays
               kinaesthetic  ables physical expression.    Hands-on activities
               intelligence                                Mime
               Interpersonal  The ability to be able to work well with peo- Working in teams
               intelligence  ple. People with a strong interpersonal in-  Peer teaching
                           telligence are good at recognizing other  Pair work
                           people’s moods, temperaments, motiva-  Board games
                           tions, and intentions.
               Intrapersonal  The ability to understand oneself and ap-  Independent work
               intelligence  ply one’s talent successfully. People with  Individualized projects
                           a strong intrapersonal intelligence are fo-  Self-assessment
                           cused inward, they understand their own  Journal keeping
                           feelings and are able to learn from experi-
               Naturalist  The ability to understand and organize the  Semantic maps related to nature
               intelligence  patterns of nature. Naturalist people are  Classifying flora and fauna
                           good at observing, understanding and or-  Field trips
                           ganizing patterns in the natural environ-  Observation of nature
                           ment and they enjoy in the natural world.

             ideas for lesson organisation. Table 2.3 shows the description of individual
             intelligences with examples of activities which cater for them (Richards &
             Rodgers, 2001).

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