Page 7 - 2024 Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference
P. 7

             Programme Outline

             14 May 2024
              . Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan and Prof. Diego De Leo: ‘Welcome’
              . Prof. Heidi Hjelmeland: ‘Is Suicide Prevention Destined to Stagnate?  Suicidology
                   Yes, Unless ...’
             . Prof. Diana van Bergen: ‘Effective Suicide Prevention for Youth Needs
                   the Voices of Young People’                                          in
             . Dr. Saška Roškar: ‘Strengths, Limitations and Challenges of
                   Contemporary Suicide Prevention’
             . Dr. Dan Reidenberg: ‘Rays of Hope’                                   Innovation
             . Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan and Prof. Diego De Leo: ‘Closing Remarks
                   for Day One’
             15 May 2024
              . Dr. Luke Balcombe: ‘Is Human-Artificial Intelligence in Suicide
                   Research and Prevention a Capable Combination?’
             . Ms. Nina Krohne: ‘Overcoming Stagnating Prevention: Expanding        Imagination
                   Suicide Prevention to Embrace Women’s Silent Struggles’
             . Group discussions, Co-chairs: Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan and Prof.
                   Diego De Leo
             . Dr. Alan L. Berman: ‘Outside the Box: Rethinking National Suicide
                   Prevention Strategies to Actually Prevent Suicides’                  Intuition,
             . Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan and Prof. Diego De Leo: ‘Closing Remarks’

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