Page 103 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 103
Advanced RPi-based DAC 8.2
the manual, but read it very carefully; see here: UcPure Manual.
13. Two capacitors for the above power supply (e.g. Maxwell
BCAP3000 P270 or BCAP3000 P300; other 3000F/2.7V or higher
capacitance/voltage ultracapacitors are also good for UcPure)
14. A balancer/protection board for ultracapacitors (e.g. Ian Canada’s
UcBalancer protection board kit; see here: UcBalancer Kit Man-
15. A power supply for the DAC. 9038Q2MPi dual mono II DAC HAT
can be powered by one, two, or three 3.3V power supplies. For our
project, we decided to use only one and upgrade at a later time.
We used a battery power supply designed by Ian Canada called
LifePO4 Mini 3.3V, which uses two 26650 LifePO4 battery cells
(a good choice is an A123 ANR26650M1B cell). See here for more
detail: LifePO4 Mini 3.3V Manual.pdf. The LiFePO4 Mini 3.3V
power supply needs two battery holders, which have to be sol-
dered to the board. Battery holders can be sourced from Audio-
phonics or Amazon. In addition, LiFePO4 must be connected to
either a DC power supply (with a standard 5V USB-C cable or an
AC power source (5V-6V). We chose a 5V DC power supply.
16. We further upgraded the above power supply by adding to it an
UcConditioner 3.3V board designed by Ian Canada ( UcCondi-
tioner 3.3V Users Manual.pdf) The UcConditioner 3.3V requires
two ultracapacitors that have to be soldered to the board (recom-
mended capacitors are BCAP0325 P270 S19, or BCAP0450 P270
S18, or BCAP0350 P270 S18, or XV3560-2R7407-R). For a good con-
nection, you will need a soldering iron with 80W or higher power.
17. For the power supply for the clean side of the FiFoPi Q7 you need
to assemble another set described under points 15 and 16 above.
18. You also need something to control your DAC set-up, ideally
something with a display to see what is going on. Here, again,
MonitoPi Pro is the best solution. See here, for more information:
h MonitorPi Pro Manual.pdf. You simply plug it into the GPIO
port, and voila, MonitorPi Pro detects the digital audio format
and the I2S/DSD signal status in real time and shows the infor-
mation on the LED display. It is recommended to install the Mon-
itorPi Pro into the non-isolated GPIO of FiFoPi Q7. It works with
Apple remote control A1294, A1156 or any other remote control
with the NEC IR protocol, and can also be moved to the front pan-