Page 122 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 122

Recommended web resources

                    ded even for novice users, as it features a plethora of useful informati-
                    on regarding Linux-compatible hardware and software, an overview of
                    applications and commands, as well as comprehensive tutorials. Many
                    of its articles have been translated into multiple languages. An essential
                    resource for acquainting yourself with Linux systems.
                Luke Smith’s YouTube channel. Luke Smith has uploaded many useful tutori-
                    als, reviews, and discussion videos about open-source software and Li-
                    nux systems. He has extremely good tutorials on Linux shells, comman-
                    d-line  software, system  customization,  Vim,  and  LaTeX.  Besides  the
                    technical content, he also publishes philosophical and political content.
                    Thus, if the reader wants to watch videos selectively, as a starting point,
                    one of the authors highly recommends checking out the playlists about
                    command-line programs and the terminal. Furthermore, if the reader
                    decides to delve into learning to use the Vim editor, Luke has a series of
                    videos about Vim, showing its practical applications in development and
                    writing documents.
                Derek Taylor’s YouTube channel. Derek Taylor, also known as “DistroTube”,
                    started out by reviewing various Linux distributions, explaining the in-
                    stallation process and how to set them up. Currently, in addition to that,
                    he uploads reviews of various open-source software, guides on Vim and
                    Emacs editors, tutorials on shell commands and system customization,
                    among other topics. He also occasionally publishes tips on writing use-
                    ful Bash scripts. It is highly recommended to check out some of his vi-
                    deos, particularly his playlists about the command line, Linux customi-
                    zation, shell scripting, and “from noob to power user” on various Linux

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