Page 53 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 53

Raspberry Pi official accessories  4.1

                                                    Figure 4.3
                                                    Raspberry Pi with active cool-
                                                    er in Pi-Box Pro5 enclosure
                                                    Source  Lincoln Binns

            4.1  Raspberry Pi official accessories 4.1
            The list with detailed descriptions of Raspberry Pi official accessories
            can be found on the official web page:  Raspberry Pi Documentation;
              The Raspberry Pi 7-inch touch display is an LCD display that con-
            nects well to the Raspberry Pi (and is, by the way, the only option if
            you want to use a screen with a music player with Ropieee OS) through
            a ribbon cable and a DSI connector. Its key feature, instructions for
            mounting, powering, changing screen orientation, and legacy support
            (for original Raspberry Pi model A and B) are described in detail here:
             Raspberry Pi Documentation; Accessories; Display
              Below is a figure of the Raspberry Pi touch display kit (Figure 4.4):
              Raspberry Pi Foundation produces several camera modules: Cam-
            era Module 3 and 3 wide, 3 NoIR and 3 NoIR wide, a High-Quality
            Camera with CS or M-12 mount, and a Global Shutter camera. Four
            new cameras were presented in The MagPi magazine, issue 126 (Rasp-
            berry Pi 2023). They bring faster autofocus, HDR, and an improved

                                                     Figure 4.4
                                                     Raspberry Pi 7 touchscreen
                                                     Source    https://

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