Page 77 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 77

Overview of programming languages6  6.3
            on Linux. However, the required environments are not available by
            default on either system. On the other hand, Linux systems typically
            come with Python interpreter and C compiler already installed as part
            of the system set-up. However, Windows does not include these tools
            by default, despite them being fully supported.
              As a Debian-based Linux distribution, the 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS
            comes equipped with a default selection of fully supported program-
            ming languages intended for various applications. Among these lan-
            guages, the most notable ones are Python, C and C++, Perl, and Bash.
            Moreover, the Full 32-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS (Raspberry Pi
            Foundation, n.d.-b), which will be our primary focus, incorporates sev-
            eral programming languages that are not typically integrated into the
            Linux system by default, such as Java and Ruby.
              Finally, some users may be drawn to the independent development
            environments that come with their own interfaces and tools. Thus, the
            Raspberry Pi OS also encompasses platforms such as Scratch, Mathe-
            matica, and Sonic Pi.
              In the subsequent sections, we will delve into a more detailed dis-
            cussion of these languages and development environments, specifical-
            ly those that are pre-installed on the Raspberry Pi OS Full version.
            Additional programming languages and their dependencies can be in-
            stalled (as well as updated) via apt package manager.

            6.3  Overview of programming languages6 .3
            Code-based programming implies the creation of software by describ-
            ing an algorithm using the syntax of a particular programming lan-
            guage. This process typically occurs within an integrated development
            environment (IDE) or a general-purpose text editor. Raspberry Pi OS
            offers a range of language-specific IDEs that are aimed at enhancing
            the software development process by offering various useful features,
            including syntax highlighting, built-in compilers or interpreters, and
            library management, among others. Collectively, these features assist
            users in creating and executing programs. However, their effective-
            ness, particularly concerning defect injection rates, remains a topic of
            ongoing debate (Gómez et al. 2017).
              Since Raspberry Pi OS is a Linux system, it is equipped with two
            standard terminal-based (i.e. command line) text editors: Nano
            and Vim. It is worth noting that on the Raspberry Pi OS, Vim is
            launched as a link to Vi. Alternatively, some users may prefer Geany

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