Page 108 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 108
Terms, such as intimidation, bullying and mobbing are often used interchange-
ably in the workplace. Intimidation involves actions designed to instil fear and
undermine confidence. Bullying consists of repeated acts of intimidation, such
as persistent criticism or exclusion, targeting an individual over an extended
period, making it difficult for the victim to defend themselves. (Einarsen idr.,
2020; Johnson, 2021). Mobbing is a form of psychological harassment charac-
terized by frequent, systematic incidence occurring at least weekly for extend
time period ( Difazio et al., 2019; Einarsen et al., 2020; Johnson, 2021).
Nursing have some of the highest levels of workplace bullying and mob-
bing (International Council of Nurses, 2017; Johnson, 2018). A 2020 pilot study
found that, 35.4% of Slovenian nurses experience some sort of intimidation,
bullying or mobbing (Plos et al., 2022). Such negative behaviours affect victims,
their families, colleagues but and healthcare organization. Indirectly affecting
108 everyone interacting with the healthcare system. It leads to a decline in nurs-
ing care quality, increased professional errors, longer patient hospital stays, and
zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | health of working-age and older adults
higher rates of falls and mortality. (Al-Ghabeesh in Qattom, 2019; Anusiew-
icz idr., 2020; International Council of Nurses, 2017; Kozakova idr., 2018; Ster-
giannis, 2019). Additionally, bullying contributes to higher staff turnover, in-
creased sick leave and decreased work productivity (Bloom, 2019). Slovenia has
faced severe shortage of nurses for many years, primarily due to poor working
conditions and negative organisational climate. Nurses often avoid workplac-
es with inadequate conditions, lack of support, and frequent bullying (Maze,
2020). According to Slovenia’s Employment Relations Act, employers must
implement measures to prevent all forms of workplace violence (ZDR-1, 2013).
Purpose and Objectives
This study aimed to understand how nurses perceive bullying in the workplace
by investigating their personal experiences and dynamics of such incidents.
Additionally, the study examined the characteristics of perpetrators and vic-
tims of bullying in nursing. Understanding how nursing staff respond to bully-
ing incidents was another critical aspect of this research. Finally, it investigated
the perceived causes of workplace bullying among healthcare workers.
Materials and Methods
Study Design
The study used a qualitative, descriptive-interpretive method to examine the
thoughts, behaviour and understanding of individuals (Smythe, 2012). This
method was chosen due to its relevance to the research objectives and its effec-
tiveness in analysing complex nursing experiences. It is adaptable, and allows
for practical conclusions to be drawn whilst maintaining methodological in-
tegrity (Elliott and Timulak, 2021; Thompson Burdine et. al., 2021).