Page 71 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 71
Table 1: Overview of included studies.
Study Participants Pelvic floor muscle exercise Main findings
8-week progressive program Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* showed
20 subjects with greater improvement in endurance and
Mohseni- chronic low back (6x/day) strength of pelvic floor muscles than
-Bandpei pain (age = 20-50 Contraction: 5-10 s standard treatment group (p < 0,001); pain
et al., 2011 Rest: 4 s
years) Cycles: 4-10 and functionality improved the same in
both groups (p < 0,01)
Bhatnagar 30 subjects with 6-week progressive program Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* showed
chronic low back
Contraction: 6 s
greater improvement in pain and func-
and Sahu,
2017 pain (age = 25-50 Rest: 6 s tionality than standard treatment group
years) Cycles: 25-100, 5/min (p < 0.05)
30 subjects with 4-week program (5x/week) Trunk stabilization exercise group showed
Kumar et al., postpartum chron- Contraction: 3-5 s greater improvement in pain (p < 0.001),
2015 ic low back pain Rest: no information functionality (p < 0.05) and abdominal
muscle endurance (p < 0.05) than pelvic
Cycles: no information
(age = 25-35 years)
floor muscle exercise group*
27 subjects with 5-week progressive program 71
Dsingh sitting jobs and (3x/week) Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* and
postural control exercise group showed
and Kaur, chronic low back Contraction: 6 s greater improvement in pain and function-
2020 pain Rest: 6 s ality than standard treatment group
(age = 18-45 years) Cycles: 5/min, 30 min
Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* showed
24-week progressive pro-
47 subjects with greater improvement in pain (p = 0.045)
chronic low back gram (3x/week) and functionality (p = 0.034) than stand-
Bi et al., 2013 Contraction: 6 s
pain (age = 18-60 ard treatment group; strength and endur-
years) Rest: 6 s ance of the trunk muscles improved the
Cycles: 25-100, 5/min
same in both groups
60 subjects with 12-week program (3x/week) Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* showed the effect of pelvic floor muscle exercises on chronic low back pain
greater improvement in strength and en-
Ghaderi et urinary inconti- Contraction: 30% max vol- durance of the trunk stabilization muscles
al., 2016 nence and chronic untary contraction than standard treatment group (p < 0.05);
low back pain (age Rest: no information
= 45-60 years) Cycles: no information pain and functionality improved the same
in both groups
30 subjects with 4-week progressive program Pelvic floor muscle exercise group* showed
(5x/week, 3x/day)
chronic low back greater improvement in pain and functi-
Rathi, 2013 pain (age = 20-40 Contraction: 5s or more onality than standard treatment group (p
years) Rest: 5 s or less < 0.05)
Cycles: 10
* Pelvic floor muscle exercise group also received standard treatment
Through a systematic literature review, we aimed to determine the effective-
ness of PFMT in individuals dealing with CLBP. The main finding of our sys-
tematic review was that PFMT significantly reduces CLBP. However, it was
found that physiotherapy treatment combined with PFMT was not significant-
ly more effective than standard physiotherapy treatment in all studies. Addi-
tionally, there were no significant differences observed in the method of execu-
tion or duration of PFMT that would impact the effectiveness of treatment for
patients with CLBP.