Page 108 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 108

Josef Grulich

               Figure 2   The Microregion: The Estate of České Budějovice after 1750
                        in Detail (Map by Václav Černý)

               ments is zhostní list (short version zhost) or výhostní list (short version
               výhost),3 while the German term is Entlassungsbrief or Losbrief, some-
               times Wegloßbrief.4

               3  In nearby Poland, matters involving serf migration were handled in a similar
                 manner. In both countries, a term derived from Roman law was used: manumis-
                 sio (German Manumissionsbrief) to describe the act of a landlord releasing one
                 of his serfs of his own accord (Trojanowska 1987–1988).
               4  In Lower Austria it was called Dimissionschein or Entlassungsschein (Feigl 1998,
                 43, 46, 50).

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