Page 212 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 212

Masanori Takashima

                  Shares by sector (%)  60                          Primary sector

                                                                    Secondary sector
                    30                                              Tertiary sector
                     700    900   1100  1300   1500  1700   1900

               Figure 2  Shares of Output by Sector, 730–1874
               Sources  Takashima (2017) and Bassino et al. (2019). 

               duction is plotted on the vertical axis and the rate of increase in cultivat-
               ed land is plotted on the horizontal axis. In terms of regional characteris-
               tics, the increase in production in certain groups (Tōsan, Kinai, and West
               Kantō) is noteworthy, despite the low rate of increase in cultivated land.
               Among this group, Tōsan stands out in the graph, and it is necessary to
               investigate whether Kinai and West Kantō belong to this different group
               for the same reason as Tōsan.
                 Figures 4 and 5 show plots of figure 2 for paddy fields and non-pad-
               dy fields. Figure 4 shows the rate of increase in cultivated area for paddy
               fields only. In this case, the Kinai and West Kantō regions, which belong
               to a separate group with the Tōsan region in figure 3, are removed, and
               the characteristics of the Tōsan region become clearer. In contrast, figure
               5 shows the graph when the rate of increase in the cultivated area is re-
               stricted to the non-paddy fields, in which case the Kinai and West Kantō
               regions are again included in the separate group with the Tōsan region.
               The East Kantō region is also included in this group. In the Tōsan region,
               the increase in cultivated area was small for non-paddy fields and paddy
               fields. However, in the Kinai and East and West Kantō regions, the area
               of paddy fields increased, while this increase was not evident in non-pad-
               dy fields. These results indicate that the increase in cultivated area did not

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