Page 219 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 219


                  Agricultural Crises Due to Flood, Drought,
                  and Lack of Sunshine in the East Asian

                  Monsoon Region: An Environmental History
                  of Takahama in the Amakusa Islands,

                  Kyushu, Japan, 1793–1818

                  Satoshi Murayama                Noboru Higashi
                  Kagawa University,              Kyoto Prefectural University,
                  Japan                           Japan

                  Hiroko Nakamura                 Toru Terao
                  Kagawa University,              Kagawa University,
                  Japan                           Japan

                             © 2024 Satoshi Murayama, Hiroko Nakamura,
                           Noboru Higashi, and Toru Terao

            A New Horizon in Comparing Economic
            and Environmental Histories
            The approach of this chapter was originally rooted in Sheilagh Ogilvie’s
            institutional studies (Dennison and Ogilvie 2007; Ogilvie 2007, 2010) of
            the interrelationship between social capital and power, as well as in gen-
            der studies focused on consumer activities, especially those of women,
            dating back in part to Jean de Vries’ discussion of the ‘industrious revo-
            lution’ (Murayama and Nakamura 2021). However, we present a new area
            of discussion: the diversity of economic development in early modern
            Japan. We have focused on the environmental system unique to Asian
            monsoon regions. For the maintenance of the early modern ‘subsistence
            economy’, especially in Japan in East Asia, the sustainability of agricul-
            tural production depends primarily on resilience to seasonal disasters.

                  Murayama, S., Ž. Lazarević, and A. Panjek, eds. 2024. Changing Living
                  Spaces: Subsistence and Sustenance in Eurasian Economies from Early Modern
                  Times to the Present. Koper: University of Primorska Press.

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