Page 111 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 111
gesheimsko obliko okrasa datirano v Karpatskem rized by describing the stylistic development of its
bazenu v čas Lt B2 in C1 (Szabó, Petres 1992, 25–28). clamps. The oldest decorative semi-circular disks at-
Pred odkritjem Srednice sta bila poznana dva skoraj tached to the sheath and adorned with incised ten-
identična meča, ki sta bila okrašena z elementi tako drils that can be associated with Waldalgesheim Style
powaldalgesheimskega kot Švicarkega sloga mečev. appear in central and southern Europe during Lt
Bila sta odkrita v eponimen Hatvan-Boldogu ter v B1. Swords from grave numbers 7 in the Swiss Saint
Gávi-Katóhalomu in zanju je veljalo, da ju je potreb- Sulpice and 75 in the Italian Monte Bibele are the best
no datirati v Lt B2 (Jacobstahl 1944a, 177, Cat. nr. 118; observable examples of them (Szabó 2008, 223-224).
Later during Lt B2 in the Carpathian Basin, the discs mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 109
1944b, Pl. 69, 118; Szabó, Petres 1992, 131, 136, Pls. 13; 18, were moved from the sheath onto the clamp’s circu-
Cat. Nr. 12, 18). Oba sta na sprednji strani okrašena z lar plates. Applied discs and side clamps were still dec-
psevdo-trojno zavojko z neenakimi kraki in izrastki v orated with post-Waldalgesheim decorations consist-
Švicarskem slogu, ki se nahaja nad objemko sestavlje- ing of tendrils and »S«-shaped spirals. The space above
no iz dveh sklenjenih diskov povezanih na stranski ob- the clamp on the sheath’s front was decorated with
jemki. Pripoved o meču iz Srednice lahko strnemo z pseudo-triskele with unequal arms and side-shoots
opisom slogovnega razvoja okrasa objemke nožnice. characteristic of sword decoration in Swiss Style. The
Najstarejši okrasni polkrožni diski, pritrjeni na nožni- best examples of such decoration were sword scab-
co, ter okrašeni z vrezanimi okrasi iz vitic, ki jih lahko bards from Hatvan-Boldog and Gava-Katóhalom in
povezujemo z Waldalgesheimskim slogom, se pojavi- Hungary (Szabó, Petres 1992, 131, 136, Pls. 13; 18).
jo v osrednji in južni Evropi v času Lt B1. Kot najlep-
ša primera bi lahko izpostavili meča iz grobov 7 iz švi- Later during Lt B2, under the influence of Plastic
carskega Saint Sulpice ter 75 iz italijanskega Monte Style, the shape of the clamps changed, with applied
Bibele (Szabó 2008, 223–224). Kasneje so na področju decorative discs and side clamps becoming decorated
Karpatskega bazena v času Lt B2 diski bili prestavlje- in this style. The swords from Szob and Kosd in Hun-
ni z nožnice na krožni ploščici na objemki. Aplicira- gary represent the best examples of such sheaths (Sza-
na diska ter stranski objemki so še vedno bili okrašeni bo, Petres 1992, 188-190, Pls. 70-71). Their clamps on
s powaldalgesheimskimi okrasi, ki jih sestavljajo vitice the front side consist of two discs attached to the lat-
ter spirale v obliki črke »S«. Prostor nad objemko na eral clamps. The latter, as well as rounded rosettes on
sprednji strani nožnice pa je bil okrašen s psevdo-troj- the front side (unfortunately missing on the sheath
no zavojko z neenakimi kraki in izrastki značilnimi za from Kosd), are decorated in Plastic Style. Accord-
Švicarski slog mečev. Najlepša primera takega okrasa ing to its stylistic composition, the ornament on the
sta nožnici mečev iz Hatvan-Boldoga ter Gáva-Kató- scabbard from Srednica represents the transition-
bazenu v čas Lt B2 in C1 (Szabó, Petres 1992, 25–28). clamps. The oldest decorative semi-circular disks at-
Pred odkritjem Srednice sta bila poznana dva skoraj tached to the sheath and adorned with incised ten-
identična meča, ki sta bila okrašena z elementi tako drils that can be associated with Waldalgesheim Style
powaldalgesheimskega kot Švicarkega sloga mečev. appear in central and southern Europe during Lt
Bila sta odkrita v eponimen Hatvan-Boldogu ter v B1. Swords from grave numbers 7 in the Swiss Saint
Gávi-Katóhalomu in zanju je veljalo, da ju je potreb- Sulpice and 75 in the Italian Monte Bibele are the best
no datirati v Lt B2 (Jacobstahl 1944a, 177, Cat. nr. 118; observable examples of them (Szabó 2008, 223-224).
Later during Lt B2 in the Carpathian Basin, the discs mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 109
1944b, Pl. 69, 118; Szabó, Petres 1992, 131, 136, Pls. 13; 18, were moved from the sheath onto the clamp’s circu-
Cat. Nr. 12, 18). Oba sta na sprednji strani okrašena z lar plates. Applied discs and side clamps were still dec-
psevdo-trojno zavojko z neenakimi kraki in izrastki v orated with post-Waldalgesheim decorations consist-
Švicarskem slogu, ki se nahaja nad objemko sestavlje- ing of tendrils and »S«-shaped spirals. The space above
no iz dveh sklenjenih diskov povezanih na stranski ob- the clamp on the sheath’s front was decorated with
jemki. Pripoved o meču iz Srednice lahko strnemo z pseudo-triskele with unequal arms and side-shoots
opisom slogovnega razvoja okrasa objemke nožnice. characteristic of sword decoration in Swiss Style. The
Najstarejši okrasni polkrožni diski, pritrjeni na nožni- best examples of such decoration were sword scab-
co, ter okrašeni z vrezanimi okrasi iz vitic, ki jih lahko bards from Hatvan-Boldog and Gava-Katóhalom in
povezujemo z Waldalgesheimskim slogom, se pojavi- Hungary (Szabó, Petres 1992, 131, 136, Pls. 13; 18).
jo v osrednji in južni Evropi v času Lt B1. Kot najlep-
ša primera bi lahko izpostavili meča iz grobov 7 iz švi- Later during Lt B2, under the influence of Plastic
carskega Saint Sulpice ter 75 iz italijanskega Monte Style, the shape of the clamps changed, with applied
Bibele (Szabó 2008, 223–224). Kasneje so na področju decorative discs and side clamps becoming decorated
Karpatskega bazena v času Lt B2 diski bili prestavlje- in this style. The swords from Szob and Kosd in Hun-
ni z nožnice na krožni ploščici na objemki. Aplicira- gary represent the best examples of such sheaths (Sza-
na diska ter stranski objemki so še vedno bili okrašeni bo, Petres 1992, 188-190, Pls. 70-71). Their clamps on
s powaldalgesheimskimi okrasi, ki jih sestavljajo vitice the front side consist of two discs attached to the lat-
ter spirale v obliki črke »S«. Prostor nad objemko na eral clamps. The latter, as well as rounded rosettes on
sprednji strani nožnice pa je bil okrašen s psevdo-troj- the front side (unfortunately missing on the sheath
no zavojko z neenakimi kraki in izrastki značilnimi za from Kosd), are decorated in Plastic Style. Accord-
Švicarski slog mečev. Najlepša primera takega okrasa ing to its stylistic composition, the ornament on the
sta nožnici mečev iz Hatvan-Boldoga ter Gáva-Kató- scabbard from Srednica represents the transition-