Page 111 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, et al., eds. (2015). Stone narratives: heritage, mobility, performance. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 111
versatility of mosaics ...
Case presentation: Labyrinth
A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that represents the journey to our own centre and back again out into the world (Keze-
le, 2007). As it relates to wholeness it is a valuable meditation tool. The construction of mosaics represented the author’s
voyage to subconsciousness, to the true self. The meditator puts their finger at the labyrinth entrance, closes their eyes
and finds the way, the essence of consciousness, the essence of love. The goal is to bring these qualities out of the la-
byrinth and show them to the world. The Labyrinth is presented on the left side of Figure 4.
Case presentation: Nkonsonkonson
Nowadays it is almost impossible to explain the importance of community to the people. Individualism is sadly beco-
ming an imperative. The inspiration for the mosaic arrived from a big roundabout under the author’s building. Even now
many drivers using it fail to use the indicator lights to signal which exit they are about to take. As a result, other drivers
waste time unnecessarily, waiting to enter the roundabout. But even a very small contribution by a large number of dri-
vers can lead to a significant improvement in the speed and safety of the traffic. Similarly, an infinitesimally small contri-
bution to the community, limited to the infinite number of possibilities where we can express it, can result in a great con-
tribution to the community. This mosaic is presented in the centre of Figure 4.
Case presentation: The rising
A spiral reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution. It represents fertility and life force energy. This symbol is
often reflected in the nature. It belongs to everyone and excludes no one. The construction of this mosaic represented
the author’s new beginning, a new start. This mosaic is presented on the right side of Figure 4.

Figure 4: The role of mosaic in personal development, meditation and stress management
(© MosaicsOfIntention, 2014, Photo: Boštjan Žvanut).


In the past, creativity was reserved to a few gifted individuals. Today, various arts have be-
come more accessible to people. With the spread of arts in different fields, new mosaic func-
tionalities emerged. This has an analogy in Prometheus’ act of bringing fire to the man-

The literature review and the cases presented in this chapter indicate that the art of
mosaic is gaining completely new psychological, sociological, aesthetic, and organizational
dimensions. As shown in this chapter, it can be successfully implemented as a team-build-
ing tool, children’s game, and as a tool for activation of citizens and institutions in the cre-
ation of the environment. The mosaic technique and materials are specific and interesting
as they activate different human systems such as perception, movement and coordination,
planning and anticipation, affections and cognition, symbolism. We believe that the mo-
saic has a considerable potential, and that new and to date unexplored functionalities will
emerge in the near future.

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