Page 26 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 26
ablishment of a dynamic web technology standards Fig1. The frame of JDBC
[1]. Java program segment (Script let) and JSP tags is
inserted into a traditional web HTM file to form a JSP 2.3 The Process of JDBC Programming
file which expands the Html function by java syntax. The public class ‘DBManager’ of Java is as follows.
JSP is easy to be used, fully object-oriented,
platform-independent and secure, with all the
characteristics of the need of Internet system design.
Java code is not required to be complete or
self-contained within a single script let block. It can
straddle markup content, provided that the page as a
whole is syntactically correct. The JSP syntax adds
additional tags, called JSP actions, to invoke built-in
functionality. Additionally, the technology allows for
the creation of custom JSP tag libraries that act as
extensions to the standard JSP syntax. A JavaServer
Pages compiler is a program that parses JSPs, and
transforms them into executable Java Servlets. A
program of this type is usually embedded into the
application server and run automatically the first time a
JSP is accessed, but pages may also be precompiled for
better performance, or compiled as a part of the build
process to test for errors.

2 Combination of JSP and MySQL Data

2.1 JDBC Technology
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Java API

[2] to execute a SQL statement, and program can be
connected to a relational database by JDBC API. The
query and update of the database can be achieved by
using the Structured Query Language [3] [4].
2.2 The Structure of JDBC

In order to make cross-platform use of JDBC
program, the appropriate drivers are need which can
combine different database provide vendors. The frame
of JDBC structure is shown in Figure.1 [5] [6].

By the JDBC driver conversion, the same
program written in JDBC API can run on different
database systems.

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 26
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
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