Page 173 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič, 2016. Trajnostno upravljanje s pitno vodo v predelovalni dejavnosti. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 173
Literatura in viri 173
Choo, Sangho, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. »Do Telecommunications Af-
fect Passenger Travel or Vice Versa? Structural Equation Models of Ag-
gregate U.S. Time Series Data Using Composite Indexes.« Transporta-
tion Research Record, no. 1926 (2005): 224–32.
Ciulla, Joanne B., and Clancy Martin. Honest Work: A Business Ethics Rea-
der. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Costa, Ana Cristina. »Work Team Trust and Effectiveness.« Personal Re-
view 32, no. 5 (2003): 605–22.
Côté, Raymond, Aaron Booth, and Bertha Louis. »Eco-Efficiency and
SMEs in Nova Scotia, Canada.« Journal of Cleaner Production 14, no.
6/7 (2006): 542–50.
Crosby, Philip B. Kakovost je zastonj: umetnost zagotavljanja kakovosti.
Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik, 1990.
Curkovic, Sime, and Robert Sroufe. »Using ISO 14001 to Promote a
Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy.« Business Strategy and the Envi-
ronment 20, no. 2 (2011): 71–93.
CWG – Clean Water Group. Sistemi za obdelavo in tretiranje vode. 2015.
Daft, Richard L. Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations.
Mason: Thomson South-Western, 2007.
Daft, Richard L. New Era of Management. Mason: South-Western, Cenga-
ge Learning, 2012a.
Daft, Richard L. Organization Theory and Design. Mason: South-Western,
Cengage Learning, 2012b.
Daft, Richard L., and Dorothy Marcic. Understanding Management. Ma-
son: South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2011.
Daft, Richard L., Martyn Kendrick, and Natalia Vershinina. Management.
Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010.
Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi, and Jens J. Dahlgaard. »Learning From East to
West and West to East.« TQM Magazine 18, no. 3 (2007): 216–37.
Daugherty, Patricia J., Haozhe Chen, Daniel D. Mattioda, and Scott J.
Grawe. »Marketing/Logistics Relationships: Influence on Capabilities
and Performance.« Journal of Business Logistics 30, no. 1 (2009): 1–18.
Davies, George R. »Appraising Weak and Strong Sustainability: Searching
for a Middle Ground.« The Journal of Sustainable Development 10, no.
1 (2013): 111–24.
Choo, Sangho, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. »Do Telecommunications Af-
fect Passenger Travel or Vice Versa? Structural Equation Models of Ag-
gregate U.S. Time Series Data Using Composite Indexes.« Transporta-
tion Research Record, no. 1926 (2005): 224–32.
Ciulla, Joanne B., and Clancy Martin. Honest Work: A Business Ethics Rea-
der. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Costa, Ana Cristina. »Work Team Trust and Effectiveness.« Personal Re-
view 32, no. 5 (2003): 605–22.
Côté, Raymond, Aaron Booth, and Bertha Louis. »Eco-Efficiency and
SMEs in Nova Scotia, Canada.« Journal of Cleaner Production 14, no.
6/7 (2006): 542–50.
Crosby, Philip B. Kakovost je zastonj: umetnost zagotavljanja kakovosti.
Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik, 1990.
Curkovic, Sime, and Robert Sroufe. »Using ISO 14001 to Promote a
Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy.« Business Strategy and the Envi-
ronment 20, no. 2 (2011): 71–93.
CWG – Clean Water Group. Sistemi za obdelavo in tretiranje vode. 2015.
Daft, Richard L. Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations.
Mason: Thomson South-Western, 2007.
Daft, Richard L. New Era of Management. Mason: South-Western, Cenga-
ge Learning, 2012a.
Daft, Richard L. Organization Theory and Design. Mason: South-Western,
Cengage Learning, 2012b.
Daft, Richard L., and Dorothy Marcic. Understanding Management. Ma-
son: South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2011.
Daft, Richard L., Martyn Kendrick, and Natalia Vershinina. Management.
Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010.
Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi, and Jens J. Dahlgaard. »Learning From East to
West and West to East.« TQM Magazine 18, no. 3 (2007): 216–37.
Daugherty, Patricia J., Haozhe Chen, Daniel D. Mattioda, and Scott J.
Grawe. »Marketing/Logistics Relationships: Influence on Capabilities
and Performance.« Journal of Business Logistics 30, no. 1 (2009): 1–18.
Davies, George R. »Appraising Weak and Strong Sustainability: Searching
for a Middle Ground.« The Journal of Sustainable Development 10, no.
1 (2013): 111–24.