Page 184 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič, 2016. Trajnostno upravljanje s pitno vodo v predelovalni dejavnosti. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 184
Trajnostno upravljanje s pitno vodo v predelovalni dejavnosti
Madjid, Zerafat A., Jandaghi Gholamreza, and Ben M. Adli. »Validity Exa-
mination of EFGQ‘s Results by DEA Models.« Journal of Quantitati-
ve Methods for Economics and Business Administration 5, no. 1 (2008):
Markič, Mirko. »Inoviranje procesov kot pogoj za odličnost poslovanja.«
PhD diss., Univerza v Mariboru, 2003.
Markič, Mirko. Inoviranje procesov: pogoj za odličnost poslovanja. Koper: Fa-
kulteta za management, 2004.
Marolt, Janez, and Boštjan Gomišček. Management kakovosti. Kranj: Mo-
derna organizacija, 2005.
Mauchauffee, Stephanie, Marie-Pierre Denieul, and Marielle Coste. »In-
dustrial Wastewater Re-Use: Closure of Water Cycle in the Main Water
184 Consuming Industries – The Example of Paper Mills.« Environmental
Technology 33, no. 19 (2012): 2257–62.
Mayaro, Simon. Managing Ideas for Profit. London: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Mazzanti, Massimiliano, and Roberto Zoboli. »Embedding Environmen-
tal Innovation in Local Production Systems: SME Strategies, Networ-
king and Industrial Relations: Evidence on Innovation Drivers in In-
dustrial Districts.« International Review of Applied Economics 23, no.
2 (2009): 169–95.
McAdam, Rodney. »Life after ISO 9000: An Analysis of the Impact of ISO
9000 and Total Quality Management on Small Businesses in Northen
Ireland.« Total Quality Management 10, no. 2 (1999): 229–241.
McAuley, John, Philip Johnson, and Joanne Duberley. Organization The-
ory: Challenges and Perspectives. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prenti-
ce Hall, 2014.
McKane, Aimee, Deann Desai, Marco Matteini, William Meffert, Robert
Williams, and Roland Risser. 2010. »Thinking Globally: How ISO
50001 energy Management Can Make Industrial Energy Efficiency
Standard Practice.« LBNL Paper LBNL-3323, 2010. http://escholar-
McKee, Annie, Travis Kemp, and Gordon Spence. Management: A Focus
on Leaders. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia, 2012.
Merayo, Noemí, Daphne Hermosilla, Laura Blanco, Luis Cortijo, and Án-
geles Blanco. »Assessing the Application of Advanced Oxidation Pro-
cesses, and Their Combination with Biological Treatment, to Effluents
from Pulp and Paper Industry.« Journal of Hazardous Materials 262
(2013): 420–7.
Madjid, Zerafat A., Jandaghi Gholamreza, and Ben M. Adli. »Validity Exa-
mination of EFGQ‘s Results by DEA Models.« Journal of Quantitati-
ve Methods for Economics and Business Administration 5, no. 1 (2008):
Markič, Mirko. »Inoviranje procesov kot pogoj za odličnost poslovanja.«
PhD diss., Univerza v Mariboru, 2003.
Markič, Mirko. Inoviranje procesov: pogoj za odličnost poslovanja. Koper: Fa-
kulteta za management, 2004.
Marolt, Janez, and Boštjan Gomišček. Management kakovosti. Kranj: Mo-
derna organizacija, 2005.
Mauchauffee, Stephanie, Marie-Pierre Denieul, and Marielle Coste. »In-
dustrial Wastewater Re-Use: Closure of Water Cycle in the Main Water
184 Consuming Industries – The Example of Paper Mills.« Environmental
Technology 33, no. 19 (2012): 2257–62.
Mayaro, Simon. Managing Ideas for Profit. London: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Mazzanti, Massimiliano, and Roberto Zoboli. »Embedding Environmen-
tal Innovation in Local Production Systems: SME Strategies, Networ-
king and Industrial Relations: Evidence on Innovation Drivers in In-
dustrial Districts.« International Review of Applied Economics 23, no.
2 (2009): 169–95.
McAdam, Rodney. »Life after ISO 9000: An Analysis of the Impact of ISO
9000 and Total Quality Management on Small Businesses in Northen
Ireland.« Total Quality Management 10, no. 2 (1999): 229–241.
McAuley, John, Philip Johnson, and Joanne Duberley. Organization The-
ory: Challenges and Perspectives. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prenti-
ce Hall, 2014.
McKane, Aimee, Deann Desai, Marco Matteini, William Meffert, Robert
Williams, and Roland Risser. 2010. »Thinking Globally: How ISO
50001 energy Management Can Make Industrial Energy Efficiency
Standard Practice.« LBNL Paper LBNL-3323, 2010. http://escholar-
McKee, Annie, Travis Kemp, and Gordon Spence. Management: A Focus
on Leaders. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia, 2012.
Merayo, Noemí, Daphne Hermosilla, Laura Blanco, Luis Cortijo, and Án-
geles Blanco. »Assessing the Application of Advanced Oxidation Pro-
cesses, and Their Combination with Biological Treatment, to Effluents
from Pulp and Paper Industry.« Journal of Hazardous Materials 262
(2013): 420–7.