Page 46 - Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Edited by Žana Čivre, Aleksandra Brezovec. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 46
neja Kamnikar, the founder and CEO of one of Gregor Povalej, the CEO of Kompas Touristik
the leading and well known catering companies in Slovenia International, Kft. in Budapest, considers the
and South-eastern Europe, Vivo d.o.o., considers her employment at Kompas abroad as his greatest
greatest success to be the lunch that was organised in business success. In his opinion, that was
cooperation with her company to host the English queen enabled by being a graduate of Turistica’s
Elizabeth II. The greatest motivation for a successful first generation. The biggest obstacle in his
start of a day is her morning coffee, whereas tourism career was learning how to be patient with his
motivates her because of its diversity. She has fond previous employers. Nevertheless he tried to
memories of Turistica, one of her favourite is the learn from them as much as possible and that
memory of taking the English language exam. Her advice lead to “his one key moment”. His advice to
to students at Turistica would be to enjoy and network future students at Turistica would be to study
during the study years. hard, especially languages. 

The company is proud of every event, especially when
hosting eminent guests, like Queen Elizabeth II, former
USA president Bill Clinton, celebrities like Kevin Costner,
Monica Belluci, David Guetta, etc.

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