Page 215 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 215
peasant population and income integration: the case of the trieste port-town ...

births considerably exceeded in number. The growth of the population was
nevertheless affected by emigration. In this phase the city evidently attract-
ed besides others, also the inhabitants of the closer surrounding areas, who
left their villages due to economic needs or in search of better life and work

Table 9.2: Population and annual growth rate (per mil) in the Trieste Karst villages

Year Population Annual growth rate
1648 1545  
1700 1540
1750 2351 -0.1
1778 2775 8.5
1800 3073 5.9
1810 3564 4.6
1818 4083 14.8
1846 6452 17.0
1869 7284 16.3
1880 7680 5.3
1890 7950 4.8
1900 8158 3.5
1910 9375 2.6

The first two decades of the 19th century were also marked by excep-
tional political end warfare events that directly or indirectly affected the
economic conditions. On one hand Trieste took advantage of the fall of
the Serenissima in 1797 and strengthened its maritime and mercantile po-
sition. However, the growth of the city saw some standstills during the sec-
ond (1806) and especially the third French occupation and the period of the
Illyric provinces (1809–1813). In that period maritime activities diminished
because of the continental and navigation blockage, which led to a demo-
graphic collapse with between one third and a half of the population of the
city temporarily left (Kalc 2011). Despite these events and some peaks of su-
per-mortality the population registered a considerable increase over this
period, which continued further until the middle of the century (Breschi,
Kalc, and Navarra 2001, 95).

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